PDFExtract (Function) In french: PDFExtrait Creates a new PDF document from individual pages extracted from an existing PDF file. MySourcePDF is pdfDocument = "C:\Temp\My_source_PDF.pdf"
MyTargetPDF is pdfDocument = PDFExtract(MySourcePDF, "3,10,15-16,36")
IF ErrorOccurred THEN
PDFSave(MyTargetPDF, "C:\Temp\My_target_PDF.pdf")
<Result> = PDFExtract(<Source PDF file> , <Pages to extract> [, <Password>])
<Result>: pdfDocument variable pdfDocument variable corresponding to the new PDF file that contains the extracted page(s). <Source PDF file>: String or pdfDocument variable PDF file from which the page(s) are to be extracted.
This parameter can correspond to: Path of the PDF file from which the page(s) are to be extracted. <Pages to extract>: Character string List of pages to extract. The individual pages to be extracted must be separated by a comma (","). To specify a set of pages, the first and last pages of the set must be separated by a hyphen ("-"). For example: "1-10, 15-18, 35" <Password>: Optional character string Password of the PDF document.
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