- Lesson 1 - WLanguage
- What is WLanguage?
- A project to discover WLanguage
Tutorial - WLanguage basics
We will cover the following topics: - What is WLanguage?
- How to discover WLanguage?
 5 min WLanguage is the programming language of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile. In this tutorial, we will take a look at the basics of this language: variables, conditional statements, procedures, etc. WLanguage is a rich fifth-generation language (5GL) that offers many programming possibilities with a robust code editor that makes coding significantly easier. WLanguage is event-driven. Code is written in the corresponding WLanguage event. For example, this event can be associated with a control, window, page, report, etc. All events are available in the code editor. You can add additional events and manage special cases programmatically. You can also use object-oriented programming (OOP). Member and method, constructor, destructor, multiple inheritance, virtual method, polymorphism, etc. One lesson in this part is entirely dedicated to OOP. Programming controls or objects is very simple, using specific functions and/or properties. Simply type the name of the control or object in the code editor to see all the functions or properties that can be used with it. WLanguage functions that use controls or objects accept two syntaxes: - standard syntax. In this case, WLanguage functions start with the name of the corresponding "family" name. Thus, all the functions used to manipulate Table controls start with "Table".
For example, to add elements in a Table control, you can use TableAddLine, specifying the name of the Table control as the first parameter:
TableAddLine(TABLE_ProductTable, "Moore", "Vince")
- prefix syntax.
In this case, the name of the manipulated element is specified first. With the previous example, we can simply use AddLine on the Table control:
TABLE_ProductTable.AddLine("Moore", "Vince")
A project to discover WLanguage In this part, we will focus on the WLanguage code. To do so, we will create a project (necessary for any programming task with WEBDEV). In this project, we will write the WLanguage code directly in the code editor. This code can be tested immediately, by simply clicking "GO".
This project will be used in the different lessons of this tutorial.
To create our working project: - Open WEBDEV.
- Go to the WEBDEV home page if necessary (Ctrl + <).
- On the home page, click "Create a project" and select "Site, SaaS site". The project creation wizard starts. The different steps of the wizard will help you create your project. The information specified in this wizard can be modified later.
- Select the style book of the project. For this tutorial, we will keep the default skin ("Phoenix"). Proceed to the next step of the wizard.
- The wizard prompts you to enter the project name and location. In our case, this project will simply be named "WLanguage". By default, WEBDEV creates this project in the "\My projects\WLanguage" directory.
 You can keep this location or change it via the [...] button. - Click "Finish" to complete the project creation process. The new element window appears.
- To simplify the test of our project, we will create a page that will be defined as "First project page":
- In the "New" window, click "Page" then "Page".
- In the wizard, select "Blank" and validate ("OK").
- Save the page.
- Open the page events (click outside the page, on the work area and press F2).
- Enter the following code in the page loading code:
Load PAGE_NoName1 (onload browser event) BrowserClose closes the page when it loads. This page will not be displayed when testing the project in the following lessons. - In the "Project explorer" pane, expand "Pages" and open the context menu of "PAGE_NoName1".
- Select "First page of the project in session mode".
Our project will now let us discover the different functionalities of WLanguage.