fContentType (Function) In french: fContentType Returns the type of file according to the MIME standard (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). The "Content Type" tells the software how it should interpret the file. Note: This function is equivalent to fMIMEType.
New in version 2025
arrAttachment is array of strings = ["image.png", "video.mpeg", "file.pdf"]
myEmail is Email
FOR EACH sFile OF arrAttachment
myAttach is emailAttach
myAttach.Name = sFile
myAttach.Content = fLoadBuffer(sFile)
myAttach.ContentType = fContentType(sFile)
Add(myEmail.Attach, myAttach)
FileDisplay(sFile, fContentType (sFile))
<Result> = fContentType(<File path>)
<Result>: Character string - File type according to MIME standard:
| | mimeTypeXMLApplication | XML content. | mimeTypeBinary | Binary content (byte stream). | mimeTypeDOC | Word file (*.doc) | mimeTypeDOCX | Word file (*.docx) | mimeTypeGIF | GIF image (*.gif) | mimeTypeHTML | HTML page (*.htm, *.html) | mimeTypeJPEG | JPEG image (*.jpg, *.jpeg) | mimeTypeJSON | JSON content. | mimeTypePDF | PDF document (*.pdf) | mimeTypePNG | JPEG image (*.png) | mimeTypeSOAP | SOAP content in XML format. | mimeTypeText | Text (*.txt) | mimeTypeXMLText | XML text | mimeTypeXLS | Excel file (*.xls) | mimeTypeXLSX | Excel file (*.xlsx) | mimeTypeZIP | ZIP file (*.zip) |
- Empty string ("") if the MIME type could not be determined.
<File path>: Character string - Name and full (or relative) path of the file (up to 260 characters).
- Full (or relative) path of directory (up to 260 characters). If this parameter corresponds to a directory name, this name may (or may not) end with "\".
A UNC path can be used.
Remarks The MIME type is determined from the file extension.
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