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Stored procedures
<Connection variable>.InfoDatabaseProperty (Function)
In french: <Variable Connexion>.InfoPropriétéBaseDeDonnées
HFSQL Client/ServerAvailable only with this kind of connection
Used to find out the properties of a database on an HFSQL server.
// Describe the connection
MyConnection is Connection

// Open the connection
OwnerName is string
OwnerName = MyConnection.InfoDatabaseProperty(hOwner, "MyDatabase")
IF OwnerName <> "" THEN
Trace("Owner of the database: " + OwnerName)
<Result> = <Connection>.InfoDatabaseProperty(<Property> , <Database>)
<Result>: Character string
  • Value of requested property,
  • Empty string ("") if an error occurred.
<Connection>: Connection variable
Name of the Connection variable that describes the connection for which a property value is requested.
<Property>: Integer constant
Property to get from the database:
hApplicationName of the application from which the database was created.
If this constant is used, <Result> is a character string with the following format: <Executable name>(<Project name>).
hComputerName of the computer from which the element was created.
If this constant is used, <Result> has the following format: <Name of client computer> + TAB + <IP Address of client computer>.
hCreatorName of the database creator. This information has no influence.
If this constant is used, <Result> is a character string.
hDateCreation date of the database.
If this constant is used, <Result> is a string in the following format: YYYYMMDDHHmmSSCCC.
hNotesDatabase description or any other information associated with the database by <Connection variable>.ModifyDatabaseProperty.
If this constant is used, <Result> is a character string.
hOwnerOwner of the database.
The owner is the one who owns the database. The owner of a database can be modified by <Connection variable>.ModifyDatabaseProperty.
If this constant is used, <Result> is a character string.
<Database>: Character string
Name of the database for which to get the properties.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the database defined in the connection will be used.
A WLanguage error occurs if no database is defined in the connection.
To modify the properties of a database, use <Connection variable>.ModifyDatabaseProperty.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 25
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Last update: 06/04/2024

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