Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL Client/Server functions
  • Overview
  • List of functions
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Stored procedures
Several HFSQL functions are used to manage the HFSQL Client/Server data.
These functions are mainly used to:
  • Manage the users and the groups of users (creation, rights, ...)
  • Manage the data files found on the server
  • Manage the referential integrity (functions for managing the links)
  • Manage the server.
List of functions
The following functions are used to manage the HFSQL Client/Server engine, using prefix syntax:
<Connection variable>.ActivateServerTriggerRe-enables a server trigger that was disabled by <Connection variable>.DeactivateServerTrigger.
<Connection variable>.AddGroupAdds a group of users.
<Connection variable>.AddLinkAdds an integrity rule between two files on the server.
<Connection variable>.AddScheduledBackupAdds a scheduling for full backup (with or without differential backup) on the server defined by the connection.
<Connection variable>.AddScheduledOptimizationAdds an optimization task of HFSQL Client/Server data files.
<Connection variable>.AddSchedulingCreates a scheduled task on an HFSQL server:
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of materialized view.
<Connection variable>.AddTaskAdds a scheduled task on the server defined by the connection.
<Connection variable>.AddUserAdds a user to a database.
<Connection variable>.BackupMakes a backup copy of the content of an HFSQL server: all databases on the server, one or more databases, one or more data files.
<Connection variable>.CancelBackupCancels a current backup.
<Connection variable>.CheckServerUpdateChecks for the latest version of the HFSQL server that can be automatically updated.
<Connection variable>.ConnectionQualityReturns the quality level of connection: the higher the level is, the faster the connection will be.
<Connection variable>.CopyFileCopies an HFSQL data file (.fic, .ndx, .ftx, .sdx and .mmo files, if any):
  • from the HFSQL server to the server (to perform a backup for example).
  • from the HFSQL server to the client (to perform a local backup for example).
  • from the client to the HFSQL server (to update the data files for example).
  • from an HFSQL server to antoher HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.DeactivateServerTriggerDisables a HFSQL Client/Server server trigger on a server.
<Connection variable>.DeleteBackupDeletes a backup previously created with <Connection variable>.Backup.
<Connection variable>.DeleteDatabaseDeletes a database located on an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.DeleteDirectoryDeletes a directory from an HFSQL Client/Server database.
<Connection variable>.DeleteFileDeletes HFSQL data files (.fic, .ndx, .ftx, .sdx and .mmo files, if any) from the server.
<Connection variable>.DeleteGroupDeletes (from the server) a group of users associated with a connection.
<Connection variable>.DeleteLinkDeletes an integrity rule between two data files on the server.
<Connection variable>.DeleteParameterDeletes a parameter previously saved by <Connection variable>.SaveParameter.
<Connection variable>.DeleteQueryDeletes a query (used by stored procedures) from an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.DeleteScheduledBackupDeletes a scheduled backup from an HFSQL Client/Server server.
<Connection variable>.DeleteScheduledOptimizationDeletes a scheduled optimization task from HFSQL Client/Server data files.
<Connection variable>.DeleteSchedulingDeletes a scheduled task found on an HFSQL server:
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of materialized view.
<Connection variable>.DeleteServerTriggerDeletes a server trigger.
<Connection variable>.DeleteSetDeletes a set of stored procedures from an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.DeleteTaskDeletes a scheduled task from an HFSQL Client/Server server.
<Connection variable>.DeleteUserDeletes a user associated with a connection to the HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.DescribeServerTriggerAdds or modifies a server trigger.
<Connection variable>.DisconnectClientDisplays a message on the Client computer(s) and disconnects the application.
<Connection variable>.DropViewDeletes a materialized view from the HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.DuplicateDatabaseDuplicates the database associated with a connection on an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.EndNoDatabaseAccessRe-allows the access (which means the connection) to one or more databases accessible via a connection.
<Connection variable>.ExecuteProcedureRuns a stored procedure.
<Connection variable>.ExecuteScheduledBackupForces the execution of a scheduled backup.
<Connection variable>.ExecuteSchedulingImmediately runs a scheduled task regardless of its schedule:
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of materialized view.
<Connection variable>.InfoBackupReturns information about one or more backups performed on an HFSQL Client/Server server.
<Connection variable>.InfoDatabasePropertyUsed to find out the properties of a database on an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.InfoDatabaseRightsAllows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on a database.
<Connection variable>.InfoFilePropertyAllows you to find out the properties of a data file located in an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.InfoFileRightsAllows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
<Connection variable>.InfoGroupReturns information about the specified group of users.
<Connection variable>.InfoItemRightsGets the rights granted to a user or group on an item.
<Connection variable>.InfoLockReturns information about the lock set on a data file, on one or all the records in a data file.
<Connection variable>.InfoServerReturns the specified information about the server.
<Connection variable>.InfoServerPropertyAllows you to find out the properties of an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.InfoServerRightsAllows you to find out the rights granted to a user or group of users on a server.
<Connection variable>.InfoTaskReturns the characteristics of a scheduled task in a hScheduledTask variable].
<Connection variable>.InfoUserUpdates the variables for user management with the information regarding the specified user.
<Connection variable>.InfoViewReturns information about a materialized view.
<Connection variable>.InfoViewRightsAllows you to find out the rights granted to a user or to a group on an SQL view or on a materialized view.
<Connection variable>.ListDatabaseLists the Client/Server databases associated with a connection.
<Connection variable>.ListGroupReturns the list of groups of users defined for a connection.
<Connection variable>.ListParameterReturns the list of parameters saved from the stored procedures on the server.
<Connection variable>.ListScheduledBackupLists the full and differential backups that have been scheduled on HFSQL Client/Server.
<Connection variable>.ListScheduledOptimizationLists the scheduled optimization tasks of HFSQL Client/Server data files for a connection.
<Connection variable>.ListSchedulingLists the scheduled tasks defined on an HFSQL server:
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of materialized view.
<Connection variable>.ListStoredElementReturns the list of elements stored on an HFSQL server (sets of procedures, stored procedures or queries).
<Connection variable>.ListTaskLists the scheduled tasks of an HFSQL Client/Server server for a given connection.
<Connection variable>.ListUserReturns the list of users defined for a connection.
<Connection variable>.ListWatchedFilesReturns the list of files watched by <Source>.Watch.
<Connection variable>.LoadParameterReads a parameter that was saved from a stored procedure by <Connection variable>.SaveParameter.
<Connection variable>.ManageServerUpdateUsed to manage the automatic update of HFSQL Client/Server servers by specifying the check frequency regarding the availability of updates.
<Connection variable>.ManageTaskEnables or disables a scheduled task on an HFSQL Client/Server server.
<Connection variable>.ModifyDatabasePropertyModifies the properties of a database located on an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.ModifyDatabaseRightsModifies the rights granted to a user or to a group for a HFSQL Client/Server database.
<Connection variable>.ModifyFilePropertyModifies the properties of an HFSQL data file located on a server.
<Connection variable>.ModifyFileRightsModifies the rights granted to a user or group on an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
<Connection variable>.ModifyGroupModifies the group information according to the elements found in the corresponding variables for group management.
<Connection variable>.ModifyItemRightsSets the rights granted to a user or group on an item of an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
<Connection variable>.ModifyScheduledBackupModifies a backup scheduling.
<Connection variable>.ModifyScheduledOptimizationModifies a scheduled optimization task on the HFSQL server defined by the connection.
<Connection variable>.ModifySchedulingModifies a scheduled task on an HFSQL server:
  • stored procedure,
  • backup,
  • optimization,
  • refresh of materialized view.
<Connection variable>.ModifyServerPropertyModifies the properties of an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.ModifyServerRightsModifies the rights granted to a user or to a group on a HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.ModifyTaskModifies a scheduled task on the HFSQL server defined by the connection.
<Connection variable>.ModifyUserModifies the information about a user according to the elements found in the corresponding variables for user management.
<Connection variable>.ModifyViewRightsModifies the rights granted to a user or group on an SQL view or on a materialized view.
<Connection variable>.NoDatabaseAccessDenies all new connections to a database or to all databases.
<Connection variable>.NotifAddCCRecipientAdds recipients for the notifications sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool).
<Connection variable>.NotifAddEmailRecipientAdds recipients for the notifications sent by email.
<Connection variable>.NotifConfigureSpecifies and configures the server used to send notifications by the HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.NotifDeleteCCRecipientDeletes the recipients of a notification sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool).
<Connection variable>.NotifDeleteEmailRecipientDeletes the recipients of an email notification.
<Connection variable>.NotifListCCRecipientReturns the list of recipients of a notification sent via the Control Centers (WDBal messaging tool).
<Connection variable>.NotifListEmailRecipientReturns the list of recipients for a notification by email.
<Connection variable>.OperationInProgressReturns the list of automatic operations in progress on an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.PriorityFinds out and modifies the priority of the calling application.
<Connection variable>.PriorityClientModifies the priority of a client application.
<Connection variable>.RestoreBackupUsed to restore:
<Connection variable>.RetrieveBackupRetrieves locally the content of a compressed backup (in ZIP format) performed on an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.RetrieveLogCreates a text file containing the server logs between two given dates.
<Connection variable>.SaveParameterSaves a persistent value on the HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.SendMessageToClientDisplays a message on the client computers.
<Connection variable>.ServerMaintenanceChecks and optimizes the system tables of an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.SetServerUsed to find out and modify some settings of HFSQL Client/Server server.
<Connection variable>.SimulateNetworkSimulates the operating mode of HFSQL Client/Server on an ADSL or 3G network.
<Connection variable>.StartServerUpdateUsed to immediately start the automatic server update.
<Connection variable>.StopServerStops an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.TransactionIsolationConfigures the isolation mode of transactions for a connection to an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.TransactionListReturns the list of current or interrupted transactions on the server for the specified connection.
<Connection variable>.TransactionRollbackToSavepointRolls the transaction back to the savepoint.
<Connection variable>.TransactionSavepointDeclares a transaction savepoint.
<Connection variable>.UpdateQueryCreates or updates a query on an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.UpdateSetCreates or updates a set of procedures on an HFSQL server.
<Connection variable>.UpdateViewCreates or updates the description of an SQL view or materialized view from the analysis to an HFSQL server.
<Source>.ChangePasswordChanges the password of an HFSQL Classic or HFSQL Client/Server data file.
<Source>.InfoLockReturns information about the lock set on a data file, on one or all the records in a data file.
<Source>.UpdateLinkUpdates on the server all the links of an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
<Source>.WatchStarts watching write actions (add, modify or delete) performed on a file in an HFSQL server.
<Source>.WatchStopStops watching a data file on an HFSQL server.
Minimum version required
  • Version 25
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Last update: 04/05/2024

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