Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Windows functions / Bar Code functions
  • Overview
  • Reading a bar code in a WINDEV application
  • Reading bar codes with a WINDEV application: Using a specialized device
  • Reading a QR Code bar code found in an image (physical image or memory image)
  • Reading a bar code in a WEBDEV site
  • Reading a bar code in an image
  • Reading a bar code in an Android application
  • Direct bar code reading with an Android application
  • Reading a bar code in an iPhone/iPad application
  • Direct reading of QR Code bar codes (BCCapture function)
  • Direct bar code reading (Camera control)
  • Reading a bar code in an image
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to create applications for reading bar codes.
Reading a bar code in a WINDEV application

Reading bar codes with a WINDEV application: Using a specialized device

To read a bar code via a specialized device:
  1. Connect a specific device to the serial port of your computer (depending on the device used, check whether the keyboard is not set to uppercase characters and/or whether the device is configured for an english keyboard).
  2. Read the value of the bar code with the following functions for managing serial ports:
    • sOpen, which opens and initializes the specified serial port (or parallel port).
    • sRead, which reads a string in the input buffer of the specified serial port.
The value of the bar code can be displayed in an edit control.
Remark: A Bar Code control can also be used in the window editor.
Example used to read a bar code with a specific device connected to the serial port COM1:
// Declare the variables
// Define the number of characters that must be read
nNbCharToRead is int = 13
// Number of pending bytes in the buffer
nNbPendingByte is int
sBuffer is string       // Content of the buffer
nSerialPort is int = 1 // COM1 serial port
// Open and initialize the serial port COM1
IF sOpen(nSerialPort, 5000, 5000) THEN
// Read the bar code
// Retrieve the number of pending bytes
nNbPendingByte = sInEntryQueue(nSerialPort)
// Retrieve the value of the bar code only
// if at least 13 characters have been read
IF nNbPendingByte >= nNbCharToRead THEN
sBuffer = sRead(nSerialPort, nNbPendingByte)
// Retrieve the first 13 characters read
  sBuffer = Left(sBuffer, 13)
// Display the value of the bar code
// in the "EDT_BarCode" edit control
EDT_BarCode = sBuffer

Reading a QR Code bar code found in an image (physical image or memory image)

To read a QR Code bar code found in an image:
  1. Select the image that contains the bar code to decode. This image can be:
    • an image in an Image control.
    • an image file.
    • an image in memory.
  2. Declare a BarCode variable if necessary. The characteristics of the QR Code bar code will be saved in this variable.
  3. Use BCDecode to decode the QR Code.
Example: Reading a bar code read by a Web Camera and stored in memory:
// Decode a QR Code from a Camera control
s is Buffer
s = dSaveImageBMP(CAM_MyCamera, inMemory)
bc is BarCode
bc = BCDecode(s)
IF ErrorOccurred = False _AND_ bc.TypeBarCode = BC_QRCODE ...
_AND_ bc.TypeContent =  bcTypeEmail THEN
Info("Email address: " + bc.Content)
Reading a bar code in a WEBDEV site
WEBDEV - Server code

Reading a bar code in an image

In WEBDEV sites, it is also possible to read the characteristics of a bar code in an image.
To read a bar code found in an image:
  1. Select the image that contains the bar code to decode. This image can be:
    • an image in an Image control.
    • an image file.
    • an image in memory.
  2. Declare a BarCode variable if necessary. The characteristics of the bar code will be saved in this variable.
  3. Use BCDecode to decode the bar code.
Example: Reading a bar code in an Image control:
// Decode a QR Code found in an Image control
bc is BarCode
bc = BCDecode(IMG_BarCode)
IF ErrorOccurred = False _AND_ bc.TypeBarCode = BC_QRCODE ...
_AND_ bc.TypeContent =  bcTypeEmail THEN
Info("Email address: " + bc.Content)
Reading a bar code in an Android application

Direct bar code reading with an Android application

Two modes are available for reading bar codes:
  • Reading bar codes with BCCapture. This function decodes the information stored in a bar code by using the camera of the device.
    • This function opens a new window that displays the preview from the device camera. Then, you must:
      • center the bar code to decode in the relevant area.
      • tap to read the bar code.
    • In Android, the Zxing library is used for decoding bar codes ( If this library is not found on the device, it will be automatically proposed for download.
  • Reading bar codes via the Camera control.
    Simply enable bar code reading in the Camera control. A specific process is run whenever the bar code is read. This process is used to get the characteristics of the bar code read in a variable of type BarCode. For more details, see Camera control: decoding bar codes.
Reading a bar code in an iPhone/iPad application

Direct reading of QR Code bar codes (BCCapture function)

Bar codes are read directly by BCCapture. This function decodes the information stored in a bar code by using the camera of the device.
Remark: This function opens a new window that displays the preview from the device camera. Then, you must:
  • center the bar code to decode in the relevant area.
  • tap to read the bar code.
The characteristics of the bar code are then stored in a variable of type BarCode. The value of the bar code is returned by the RoughValue property and can be displayed in a Bar Code control.
For example:
// Capture the bar code
MyBC is BarCode
MyBC = BCCapture()
// Retrieve the content of the bar code and display it
sResult is string = MyBC.RoughValue
BAC_MyBarCodeControl = sResult

Direct bar code reading (Camera control)

Bar codes are read directly using the Camera control in decoding mode.
Remark: The user frames the bar code. A specific process is run whenever the bar code is read. This process is used to get the characteristics of the bar code read in a variable of type BarCode. The value of the bar code is returned by the RoughValue property and can be displayed in a Bar Code control.
For example:
// Decoding a Bar Code process
PROCÉDURE DecodeBarCode(bc is BarCode)
// Retrieve the content of the bar code and display it
sResult is string = bc.RoughValue
BAC_MyBarCodeControl = sResult
For more details, see Camera control: decoding bar codes.

Reading a bar code in an image

In iPhone/iPad applications, it is also possible to read the characteristics of a bar code in an image.
To read a bar code found in an image:
  1. Select the image that contains the bar code to decode. This image can be:
    • an image in an Image control.
    • an image file.
    • an image in memory.
  2. Declare a BarCode variable if necessary. The characteristics of the bar code will be saved in this variable.
  3. Use BCDecode to decode the bar code.
Example of a barcode read by a Web Camera and stored in memory:
// Decode a QR Code found in an Image control
bc is BarCode
bc = BCDecode(IMG_BarCode)
IF ErrorOccurred = False _AND_ bc.TypeBarCode = BC_QRCODE ...
_AND_ bc.TypeContent =  bcTypeEmail THEN
Info("Email address: " + bc.Content)
Related Examples:
The Bar Code control Unit examples (WINDEV): The Bar Code control
[ + ] Using a Bar Code control
Minimum version required
  • Version 16
This page is also available for…
Câmera control read barcode and qrcodes
The support I requested, they resolved the barcode reading on the mobile without using third-party programs, see how:

Add control câmera in form Windev Mobile
Description / Detail
Alter from:
Read codebar qrcode
All codes types
In code control câmera
Exist return
Info (bc..content)

Zxing is very obsolete
Not use
Exist control câmera
Ajust by support in 2015
03 Oct. 2024

Last update: 06/22/2023

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