SaaSAdminFindSubscription (Function) In french: SaaSAdminChercheAbonnement Finds a SaaS subscription. Remarks: - To use this function, a SaaS management session must have been started previously with SaaSAdminConnect.
- The SaaS Administrator will have access to all subscriptions. A manager of client accounts will have access to his own subscriptions.
S is saasSite P is saasPricing C is saasClient Sub is saasSubscription  S = SaaSAdminFindSite("Forum") P = SaaSAdminFindPricing("Promo 2010", S) C = SaaSAdminFindClient("Hybrid") Sub = SaaSAdminFindSubscription(P, C) IF ErrorOccurred = False THEN Info("The client has subscribed to this pricing") END
Finding a subscription (via saasxxx variables) Hide the details
<Result> = SaaSAdminFindSubscription(<Pricing> , <Client account>)
<Result>: saasSubscription variable saasSubscription variable containing the description of sought subscription.If the search failed, the returned variable is empty. <Pricing>: saasPricing variable Name of saasPricing variable corresponding to the pricing for which the subscription is sought. <Client account>: saasClient variable Name of saasClient variable corresponding to the client account for which the subscription is sought.
Finding a subscription by using the pricing name Hide the details
<Result> = SaaSAdminFindSubscription(<Pricing> , <SaaS site> , <Client account>)
<Result>: saasSubscription variable saasSubscription variable containing the description of sought subscription.If the search failed, the returned variable is empty. <Pricing>: Character string Name of pricing for which the subscription is sought. <SaaS site>: Character string Name of SaaS site that owns the pricing. <Client account>: Character string Name of client account for which the subscription is sought.
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