Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL functions
  • Displaying the result in a List Box or Combo Box control
  • Extracting information from the result
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Stored procedures
Returns the list of full-text indexes for a data file recognized by the HFSQL engine. You can get:
  • the expression of the full-text index,
  • whether the full-text index is sensitive to the case or to the accented characters,
  • the minimum length of indexed words,
  • whether the full-text index supports the HTML or RTF format,
  • whether the full-text index uses a list of stop words
  • whether the full-text index uses a list of synonyms
  • which language is used for the stemming...
The files defined by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal and HDescribeFile are taken into account.
// Retrieve the full-text indexes of a data file in the current analysis
ListFullText is string
ListFullText = HListFullTextIndex(CUSTOMER, hLstDetail)
// Adds the list of indexes in COMBO_COMBO1
ListAdd(COMBO_COMBO1, ListFullText)
<Result> = HListFullTextIndex(<Data file> [, <Path of the WDD file> [, <Password of the WDD file> [, <Options>]]])
<Result>: Character string
List of full-text indexes found in the specified data file. The descriptions of each full-text index are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return). The result is more or less detailed depending on the constant used:
hLstDetail is not specified<Name of full-text index 1> + CR + <Name of full-text index 2 + CR + ...
The result is identical with the hLstSorted constant.
hLstDetail is specified
  • Before version 20: <Name of full-text index 1> + TAB + <Expression> + CR +...
  • After version 20: <Name of full-text index 1> + TAB + <Expression> + TAB+ <Case sensitive> + TAB + <Accent sensitive> + TAB + <Minimum length> + TAB + <HTML support> + TAB + <RTF support> + TAB + <Stop words> + TAB + <Synonyms> + TAB + <Stemming> + CR +...
  • <Name of full-text index>: name of the full-text index item
  • <Expression>: list of items included in the full-text index. The items are separated by the "+" character.
  • <Case sensitive>: "1" if the full-text index is sensitive to the case, "0" otherwise.
  • <Accent sensitive>: "1" if the full-text index is sensitive to the accented characters, "0" otherwise.
  • <Minimum length>: minimum length of indexed words (0 if all the words are indexed).
  • <HTML support>: "1" in order for the HTML tags not to be indexed, "0" in order for the HTML format not to be supported.
  • <RTF support>: "1" in order for the RTF tags not to be indexed, "0" in order for the RTF format not to be supported.
  • <Stop words>: "1" if he full-text index is using a list of stop words, "0" otherwise.
  • <Synonyms>: "1" if the full-text index is using a list of synonyms, "0" otherwise.
  • <Stemming>: integer corresponding to the language used for the stemming, "0" if the full-text index is not using the stemming.
<Data file>: Character string
Name of the data file for which the full-text indexes must be listed.
<Path of the WDD file>: Optional character string
Full path of analysis (.WDD file) where the data file is described. If this parameter is not specified or is an empty string (""), the data file is searched for in the current analysis.
<Password of the WDD file>: Optional character string
Password defined for the analysis. If no password is defined, this parameter must be equal to an empty string ("").
<Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Configures the type of list to perform:
hLstDetailDetailed information.
(default value)
Non-detailed information.
hLstSortedSorts the list in ascending order.

Displaying the result in a List Box or Combo Box control

<Result> can be directly assigned to a List Box or Combo Box control by ListAdd. Each row will contain the name of one of the full-text indexes found.

Extracting information from the result

To extract information from the detailed result, it is recommended to use ExtractString.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 14
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Last update: 06/07/2024

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