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Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL functions
  • HListFile function and the Native MySQL or MariaDB Connector
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
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Stored procedures
Returns the list of data files:
  • current analysis.
  • analyses in progress (case of projects with multiple analyses).
  • a specific analysis recognized by the HFSQL engine.
  • available on an Native Connector or OLE DB driver connection.
  • for a group defined in the data model editor.
    AndroidAndroid Widget Java The groups defined in the data model editor are not supported.
// Récupère les fichiers de données décrits dans l'analyse en cours et par programmation
ListeFichier is string
ListeFichier = HListFile(hLstDetail + hLstAll)
// Ajoute la liste des fichiers de données dans COMBO_COMBO1
ListAdd(COMBO_COMBO1, ListeFichier)
// Affiche dans une trace

Listing the data files of an analysis Hide the details

<Result> = HListFile([<Path of the WDD file> [, <Password of the WDD file>]] [, <Options>])
<Result>: Character string
List of data files found in the current analysis or in the specified analysis.
Projects with multiple analyses: If several analyses are in progress, all files from all analyses in progress are listed (without duplicates)..
The descriptions of each analysis are separated by a CR character (Carriage Return). The result is more or less detailed depending on the constant used:
hLstDetail is not specified<Name of data file 1> + CR + <Name of data file 2> + CR + ...
hLstDetail is specified<Name of data file 1> + TAB + <Abbreviation> + TAB + <Caption> + TAB + <Physical name> + CR + ...

  • <Name of data file X>: Logical name of the data file (used in programming).
  • <Abbreviation>: Abbreviation of data file.
  • <Caption>: Caption of data file.
  • <Physical name>: Physical name of data file (on disk). This name corresponds to the short file name, without extension or path.
<Path of the WDD file>: Optional character string
Full path of analysis (.WDD file) where the data file is described.
If this parameter is not specified or is equal to an empty string (""), the data files to be listed are searched.:
  • in the current analysis.
  • in all current analyses (case of projects with multiple analyses).
<Password of the WDD file>: Optional character string
Password defined for the analysis.
If no password is defined, this parameter must be equal to an empty string ("").
<Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Configures the type of list to perform:
hLstAllLists all the data files (including the ones described by HDeclare, HDeclareExternal and HDescribeFile).
Hyper File 5.5 This parameter is ignored.
hLstDetailLists the detailed information (same as WINDEV 5.5).
(default value)
List not sorted, not detailed, without the data files described by programming.
hLstSortedSorts the list of data files in ascending order.
Hyper File 5.5 This parameter is ignored.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUniversal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadUser code (UMC)PHPAjaxHFSQL Client/ServerOLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Listing the data files of a group Hide the details

<Result> = HListFile(<Group name> [, <Options>])
<Result>: Character string
List of data files belonging to the group. The descriptions of each data file are separated by a CR character (Carriage Return).
<Group name>: Character string
Name of the data file group. This group of data files was defined in the data model editor.
<Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Configures the type of data files to list:
HFSQL Client/Server List of materialized views.
hLstQueryLists the queries that have been run.
hLstStoredProcedureList of stored procedures.
hLstSystemTableList of system tables.
HFSQL Client/Server This option is not available.
(default value)
List of user tables.
HFSQL Client/Server The names of tables correspond to the physical names of data files.
hLstViewList of views.
Native Connectors (Native Accesses) Native Oracle Access: The hLstView constant is used to list the views and the synonyms.

HFSQL Client/Server Lists the SQL views.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesAndroidAndroid Widget JavaUser code (UMC)PHPAjaxHFSQL Client/ServerOLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Listing the data files of a connection via Native Connectors, OLE DB or HFSQL Client/Server (1) Hide the details

<Result> = HListFile(<Connection> [, <Options>])
<Result>: Character string
List of data files accessible by the connection. The descriptions of each data file are separated by a CR character (Carriage Return).
<Connection>: Character string
Name of connection to a database. This connection was defined in the data model editor or by HOpenConnection.
<Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Configures the type of data files to list:
HFSQL Client/Server List of materialized views.
hLstQueryLists the queries that have been run.
hLstStoredProcedureList of stored procedures.
hLstSystemTableList of system tables.
HFSQL Client/Server This option is not available.
(default value)
List of user tables.
HFSQL Client/Server The names of tables correspond to the physical names of data files.
hLstViewList of views.
Native Connectors (Native Accesses) Native Oracle Connector: The hLstView constant is used to list the views and the synonyms.

HFSQL Client/Server Lists the SQL views.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWINDEV MobileReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxOLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Listing the data files of a connection via Native Connectors or OLE DB (2) Hide the details

<Result> = HListFile(<Username> , <Password> , <Data source> , <OLE DB provider or Native Connector> [, <Access> [, <Options>]])
<Result>: Character string
List of data files accessible by the connection. The descriptions of each data file are separated by a CR character (Carriage Return).
<Username>: Character string
Name of the user of the data source.
<Password>: Character string
Password defined for the access to the data source (if it exists), empty string ("") if no password is defined.
<Data source>: Character string
Full path of data source used.
<OLE DB provider or Native Connector>: Character string or constant
Name of the OLE DB provider or one of the following constants:
hAccessHF7Pseudo-connection to HFSQL Classic database.
hAccessHFClientServerNative Connector to an HFSQL Client/Server database.
hNativeAccessAS400Native AS/400 Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessDB2Native DB2 Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessInformixNative Informix Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessMariaDBNative MariaDB Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessMySQLNative MySQL Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessOracleNative Oracle Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessOracleLiteNative Oracle Connector (optional module of WINDEV Mobile).
hNativeAccessPostgreSQLNative PostgreSQL Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessProgressNative Progress Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessSQLAzureNative SQL Azure Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV, provided with the Native SQL Server Connector).
hNativeAccessSQLiteNative SQLite Connector.
hNativeAccessSQLServerNative SQL Server Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessSQLServerMobileNative SQL Server Connector (optional module of WINDEV Mobile).
hNativeAccessSybaseNative Sybase Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessXBaseNative xBase Connector (provided with WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessXMLNative XML Connector (supplied with WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hODBCOLE DB provider for ODBC (used to access an ODBC data source declared in the ODBC data sources of Windows).
hOledbAccess97OLE DB provider for Access 97.
hOledbAccess2000OLE DB provider for Access 2000.
hOledbAccess2007OLE DB provider for Access 2007.
hOledbAccess2010OLE DB provider for Access 2010.
hOledbDBase5OLE DB provider for dBase 5.
hOledbExcel97OLE DB provider for Excel 97.
hOledbExcel2000OLE DB provider for Excel 2000.
hOledbExcel2007OLE DB provider for Excel 2007.
hOledbLotus4OLE DB provider for Lotus 4.
hOledbOracleOLE DB provider for Oracle.
hOledbSQLServerOLE DB provider for SQL Server.

Caution: To use an OLE DB connection, you must:
  • install MDAC version 2.6 or later (setup performed by WINDEV/WEBDEV and when creating the client version)
  • install the OLE DB provider corresponding to the database used.
PHP Only the following Native Connectors can be used:
hNativeAccessAS400Native AS/400 Connector (optional module of WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessMariaDBNative MariaDB Connector (optional module of WINDEV/WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessMySQLNative MySQL Connector (optional module of WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessOracleNative Oracle Connector (optional module of WEBDEV).
hNativeAccessPostgreSQLNative PostgreSQL Connector (optional module of WEBDEV).
<Access>: Integer constant (optional)
Type of access to the database:
hOReadOpening in read-only.
(default value)
Opening in Read/Write.
<Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants)
Configures the type of data files to list:
HFSQL Client/Server List of materialized views.
hLstQueryLists the queries that have been run.
hLstStoredProcedureList of stored procedures.
HFSQL Client/Server This option is not available.
hLstSystemTableList of system tables.
HFSQL Client/Server This option is not available.
(default value)
List of user tables.
HFSQL Client/Server The names of tables correspond to the physical names of data files.
hLstViewList of views.
Native Connectors (Native Accesses) Native Oracle Connector: The hLstView constant is used to list the views and the synonyms.

HFSQL Client/Server Lists the SQL views.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

HListFile function and the Native MySQL or MariaDB Connector

  • For the Native MySQL Connector, HListFile has evolved along with the versions:
    • In version 15, HListFile returns the list of files in the current database.
    • In version 16, to be able to use the new features of MySQL 5, if the Native Connector is connected to a MySQL 5 server (or later), HListFile returns the list of files from all accessible databases. In this case, the name of the file has the following format: "<Database name>.<File name>.
    • Starting with version 170069, HListFile returns the list of files in the current database. HListDatabase lists the accessible databases and their files.
  • For the Native MariaDB Connector, HListFile returns the list of files from the current database. HListDatabase lists the accessible databases and their files.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/05/2024

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