Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Window functions
  • Example 1: Opening the sibling window without specifying a position
  • Example 2: Open the sibling window while passing parameters
  • Example 3: Opening a window "above" the other windows
  • Example 4: Opening a sibling window with alias
  • Example 5: Opening a sibling window above all the windows while positioning and passing parameters
OpenSister (Example)
Example 1: Opening the sibling window without specifying a position
The following code is used to open the sibling window "WIN_EditWindow" without positioning and without passing parameters.
Example 2: Open the sibling window while passing parameters
The following code is used to open the sibling window "WIN_EditWindow".
The value of the "EDT_EditCustomer" control is passed as parameter when opening the window and it is retrieved in the event "Global declarations" of "WIN_EditWindow".
OpenSister(WIN_EditWindow, EDT_EditCustomer)
// -- Global declarations of "WIN_EditWindow"
// Retrieve the parameters
PROCEDURE WIN_EditWindow(Customer)
HReadSeek(Customer, CustomerName, Customer)
IF HFound() = True THEN
Error("No customer matches")
Example 3: Opening a window "above" the other windows
The following code is used to open the sibling window named "WIN_EditWindow" above all the other sibling windows.
OpenSister("WIN_EditWidnow" + Above)
// equivalent to:
//    OpenSister(WIN_EditWindow)
//    WinStatus(WIN_EditWindow, Above)
Example 4: Opening a sibling window with alias
The following code is used to open the sibling window named "WIN_EditWindow" twice and to specify an alias for each window.
OpenSister("Edit1 = WIN_EditWindow, 10, 20")
OpenSister("Edit2 = WIN_EditWindow, 10, 500")
// the display position is specified at each opening
// to avoid the windows from being stacked
Example 5: Opening a sibling window above all the windows while positioning and passing parameters
The following code is used to open the sibling window named "WIN_EditWindow" on the top of all the other sibling windows while specifying the position of this window and while passing parameters.
OpenSister("WIN_EditWindow, 10, 20" + Above, Value1, Value2)
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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