Version: SaaS

Starting with version 23, an XML parser is available to handle XML files that are multiple GB in size...
Creates an XML file from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
The "Export" pane in the report viewer allows you to perform the following operations...
Converts an XML string to JSON.
The different types of items proposed in the data model editor are as follows:
Creates an XML file with data from a Looper control (Looper control based on a data file or populated programmatically).
Finds an XML namespace from its URI (Universal Resource Identifier) in a node and in the parents of this node.
The FOR EACH statement loops through a variable of type xmlReader in various ways:
  • Loop through a level.
  • Loop through a level with copy.
  • In-depth loop.
Allows you to:
  • extract a substring between two given separators from a character string.
  • search for substrings between two given separators in a character string.
Creates an XML file with data from a Looper control (Looper control based on a data file or populated programmatically).
Finds an XML namespace according to its XML node and in the parents of the node.
Retrieves the structure and the value of the current record and exports them into a character string in XML format.
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to import files in XSD format.
Finds an XML namespace according to its XML node and in the parents of the node.
Creates an XML file from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
Disables an automatic filter on the linked files when browsing an XML file.
Finds an XML namespace from its URI (Universal Resource Identifier) in a node and in the parents of this node.
Disables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, window or on the current application.
Saves an XML document in a file.
Runs an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or window. This function can be used to start the spelling checker on an edit control for example.
Converts an XML string to JSON.
Converts an XML string to JSON.
Creates a reader used to read an XML document without loading it in memory.
Saves an XML document in a file.
Adds an attribute to an automatic variable generated by the import of a Webservice.
Adds a SAML assertion to a Webservice request.
List of constants used by the DotNet functions....
Retrieves the list of contacts associated with the specified Google account.
List of constants used by the SOAP functions....
Modifies the records of a file defined in Salesforce.
Disconnects: the Salesforce platform. the current Salesforce session....
Runs a procedure on a .Net server.
The Tile type is used to defined all the advanced characteristics of a tile for an application...
Builds the SOAP request for calling a Webservice function.
Fills a calendar that was retrieved beforehand: the events corresponding to the calendar...
A Point variable is a structured type that is used to represent a position (X, Y) in 2 dimensions.
The FOR EACH statement is used to browse strings according to different methods...
The management mode of data files may have to be adapted when using an HFSQL Client/Server...
The rssCategory type is used to handle the category of a RSS stream or stream entry.
Creates and/or updates data on the Google server (addition or modification of data)....
From the monitor, you can change the configuration options......
The concept of Mashup consists in aggregating data coming from different software, different...
WINDEV Mobile includes different types of generation......
Several print modes are available for a report....
Used to lock: The entire data table, in read and write mode. Its data cannot be accessed...
A Rectangle variable is a structured type that is used to represent a rectangle (X, Y, Width,...