Version: SaaS

Category: Various properties
49 results
Usage example of the AdditionCompleted property
The AdditionCompleted property determines if an element was added to a queue, list or stack, or if the operation is in progress.
The After property replaces or inserts a procedure after the other procedures in:
  • a Procedure variable.
  • an event associated with a control.
The BackgroundColor property is used to set the background color of a control, window, page or block of a report.
The Before property replaces or inserts a procedure before the other procedures in:
  • a Procedure variable.
  • an event associated with a control.
The ByAddress property is used to determine if a procedure parameter was passed by address.
The ByReference property is used to determine if a procedure parameter was passed by reference.
In a database, the Caption property is used to:
  • Find out the caption associated with a file item.
  • Find out the caption associated with a data file.
  • Find out and modify the connection caption.
In a report, the Caption property is used to:
  • Find out the text displayed in a Static or Link control.
  • Modify the text displayed in a Static or Link control.
In a window or page, the Caption property is also used to:
  • Find out and modify the caption of a control in a window or in a page.
  • Find out and modify the caption of a menu option.
  • Find out and modify the title of a window or page.
  • Find out the content of a Breadcrumb control.
The Class property is used to get the actual type of the class instance handled by an object, variant or dynamic object variable.
The Color property is used to get or change the font color for:
  • a Font variable.
  • a text displayed in a Static control or in a calculated control of a report.
  • a text displayed in a window control.
  • a text displayed in a page control.
The Count property returns the number of elements in a given set.
The Default property determines if a parameter has been passed to a procedure with a custom or default value.
The Description property is used to get and change the page description.
The Empty property is used to determine if:
  • a Looper, Table, List Box or Combo Box control is empty. The control can be a browsing control or a memory control.
  • a Chart control contains no series.
  • a report control is empty (control linked to an item).
  • an array (or an associative array) contains no element.
  • an element of an associative array exists or not.
  • a queue, a list or a stack contains no element.
The EndDate property gets and sets the selected time period end date:
  • in a Calendar control,
  • in an Organizer control.
  • in a Scheduler control.
The Exist property determines if the element of an associative array exists.
The FilterProcedure property allows you to get and modify the procedure used to apply a filter on a row or column header when calculating a Pivot Table control.
The Font property is used to
  • Get the identifier of the font used in a control in a report, page or window.
  • Change the font used in a control in a report, page or window.
The Group property is used to:
  • find out whether the control belongs to a group of controls. If the control belongs to one or more groups, the Group property can be used to identify these groups of controls.
  • associate a control with a group of controls.
The Height property is used to get and change the height:
  • of a control or block in a report.
  • of a control (in a window), window, row of a Table, List Box or ListView control, option of a Radio Button or Check Box control, break header or footer of a Table or Looper control.
  • of a control (in a page), break header or footer in a Table or Looper control. The control can be overlayable or not.
  • of a break cell in a Table or Looper control.
The Icon property is used to:
  • Find out the icon displayed in the title bar of a window or a Dockable Panel control.
  • Change the icon displayed in the title bar of a window or a Dockable Panel control.
The Identifier property is used to get and change the name of the current computer shown to the participants who receive the audio or video stream. This name can be a number, for example.
The Image property gets and sets the background image of a control or block.
The MaxValue property is used to:
  • get and set the top value of a report based on a data file.
  • get the maximum value of the current filter.
  • get the maximum value of a data series in a chart.
  • get and set the maximum value for some types of controls.
When used on Variant variables, the Member property is used to get the array of named elements.
The MinValue property is used to:
  • get and set the bottom value of a report based on a data file.
  • get the minimum value of the current filter.
  • get the minimum value of a data series in a chart.
  • get and set the minimum value for some types of controls.
The Modified property is used to determine if a control or group of controls has been modified by the user (keyboard or mouse input).
In a window or page, the Multiline property is used to:
  • find out and modify the "Multiline" option of an Edit control.
  • find out and modify the "Multiline" option of a column in a Table control.
In a report, the Multiline property is used to determine and change the "Multiline" option of a control.
The Name property is used to get:
  • the name of the font associated with a Font variable.
  • the name of a control, report or report block.
  • the name of a control, group of controls or window.
  • the name of a control, group of controls or page.
The NbPendingThread property is used to get the number of pending threads in a queue or in a stack.
Returns the number of parameters actually received by a procedure.
The Note property is used to:
  • Find out the notes associated with a control, a window, a page or a report.
  • Modify the notes associated with a control, a window a page or a report.
The NumberColumn property is used to:
  • Get the number of columns in Table, Check Box, Radio Button controls, etc..
  • Set the number of columns in a multi-column List Box control.
Numerical is used to find out whether an item is a numeric item.
The Opacity property is used to get and define the opacity percentage for a window, or for controls in a window or page.
The Option property is used to configure how a Bar Code control is displayed.
The Resource property is used to:
  • find out the resources visible in a Scheduler control.
  • find out the resource of the Scheduler control that corresponds to the specified index.
The RightToLeft property is used to get the writing direction on a control, column, window or report.
Usage example of the Size property
The Size property is used to determine and change the size of an element.
The StartDate property is used to determine and change the start date of the selected time period:
  • in a Calendar control.
  • in an Organizer control.
  • in a Scheduler control.
The State property gets and sets the state of an element.
The Thickness property is used to:
  • Find out the thickness of the line for a series (Line charts only).
  • Modify the thickness of the line for a series (Line charts only).
The Title property is used to:
  • Get the title of a Table control column, a Chart control, a window or a page
  • Change the title of a Table control column, a Chart control, a window or a page.
Usage example of the Type property
The Type property is used to get:
  • the type of element (data file or item) defined programmatically or in the data model editor, view or query.
  • the type of object.
  • the type of data held in a Variant.
The URL property is used to:
  • Get the address associated with a control.
  • Change the address associated with a control.
The Value property is used to:
  • Find out and modify the value of a report control.
  • Find out and modify the value of a control or the title of a window.
  • Find out the identifier of a stream.
  • Find out and modify the value of a control or the title of a page.
The Width property gets and changes the width:
  • of a control or block in a report.
  • of a control (found in a window), window, column found in a table or column found in a list box (including listview).
  • of a control (found in a page), column found in a table or column found in a list box. The control can be overlayable or not.