Version: SaaS

Category: Types of checks
16 results
The monitoring robot proposes to check the activity of a WINDEV application...
The monitoring robot will perform a ping on the specified IP address...
The monitoring robot will attempt to connect to an external database (MySQL, SQL Server, ...
The monitoring robot retrieves the available disk space via an SNMP agent...
The monitoring robot will try to connect to the FTP server with the parameters of the server...
The monitoring robot will try to connect to a HFSQL Client/Server server...
The monitoring robot will read the header and the content of a web page...
The monitoring robot will retrieve the log of the day for a WEBDEV application on the associated FTP server...
The monitoring robot will try to connect to the specified NNTP server (news server)...
The monitoring robot will...
The monitoring robot will measure the SMART attributes of a server's hard drives...
The monitoring robot will try to connect to an SMTP server...
The monitoring robot will read the value of the specified OID and compare its value with the reference value...
The monitoring robot is used to compile and run the WLanguage code entered...
Monitoring robot tests WEBDEV Application Server...
The robot will check that the time before expiration is greater than the specified duration...