Version: 2024

Category: Mouse functions
10 results
List of constants used by the functions for managing cursors and the mouse
Usage example of the CursorCapture function
Directs all the events associated with the mouse toward a specific window or control, regardless of the screen object where the mouse event occurs.
Displays or hides the mouse cursor.
Returns and modifies the position of the mouse cursor.
Transforms the mouse cursor into hourglass (and conversely).
In Android and iOS, displays an endless progress bar in a window.
Shows or hides an infinite progress bar in the title bar of Android application windows.
List of functions for mouse management
Used in an linked mouse or stylus event (click code, hover code, left or right button pressed code, etc.) returns the horizontal position (X) of the mouse cursor relative to the control or window in question.
Used in an linked mouse or stylus event (click code, hover code, left or right button pressed code, etc.) returns the vertical position (Y) of the mouse cursor relative to the control or window in question.