Version: 2024

Category: External file functions
172 results
Resizes an external file.
Closes an external file.
Returns the name of an external file currently open.
Finds a character string or a buffer in a file opened by fOpen.
Entirely or partially locks an external file.
  • a block of bytes (characters) in an external file (ANSI or Unicode),
  • the content of an external file (ANSI or Unicode) and assigns it to a memory area.
Reads a line from an external file (ANSI or UNICODE).
Reads a line in an external file, gets sections of this line according to a regular expression and assigns them to a variable.
Gets and sets current position in an external file.
Returns the size of a file (in bytes).
Entirely or partially unlocks an external file.
  • a character string into an external file.
  • a memory section.
Writes a line into a text file (ANSI or UNICODE).
List of constants used by the functions for managing external files.
Creates an external file.
The DiskFile type is used to handle text files present on disk.
Adds the content of a buffer at the end of a file.
Adds the content of a character string at the end of a file.
Usage example of the fAttribute function
Returns or modifies the attributes of a file.
Gets and sets the read-only attribute of a file.
Builds a complete file path from the directory and short name of a file. This function is mainly used to get a valid file name without having to worry about the presence of separators in the path ('/' or '\') or about their direction according to the platform.
Returns the path to a file relative to a reference directory.
Returns the path of directory that will be used to store the data in cache on the internal storage space of application.
Changes the extension of a file on disk.
Resizes an external file.
Usage example of the fClose function
Closes an external file.
Usage example of the fCompare function
Compares the content of two files bit by bit.
Usage example of the fCompress function
Compresses a file.
Returns the type of file according to the MIME standard (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).
Usage example of the fCopyDir function
Copies the contents of a directory and its subdirectories.
Usage example of the fCopyFile function
Copies one or more files (regardless of their attributes).
Copies an image file from the data directory of application (or from one of its sub-directories) to the "_WEB" directory of application (or to one of its sub-directories).
Usage example of the fCreate function
Creates an external file.
Creates a link on a file at the specified location.
Usage example of the fCurrentDir function
Identifies or modifies the current directory.
Usage example of the fCurrentDrive function
Gets or sets the current drive.
Returns the full path of the directory of HFSQL data files specified by the user when installing the application.
Returns a directory path for the shared data of the current application:
  • between all the users of the computer
  • between all the TSE users
This directory can be used without restriction in Windows XP, Vista, ... This directory is used to store: 
  • the files for the general configuration of the application (.INI files, .XML files, etc.).
  • the data files common to all the users (HFSQL .fic, .ndx and .mmo files).
Returns a directory path for the data of the current user of the current application.
Usage example of the fDate function
Returns or modifies the different dates associated with a file or directory (date created, modified or accessed).
Usage example of the fDateTime function
Returns or modifies the different dates and times associated with a file or directory (date created, modified or accessed).
Usage example of the fDecrypt function
Decrypts a file that was encrypted by fCrypt.
Usage example of the fDelete function
Deletes a file accessible from the current computer.
Deletes an image file from the "_WEB" directory of the application (or from one of its sub-directories).
Detects whether a removable storage unit (CD, USB key, USB camera, ...) was added or removed.
Usage example of the fDir function
Finds a file or directory.
Returns or modifies the attributes of a directory.
Checks the existence of a directory.
Checks the existence of a directory.
Renames a directory.
Returns the size of a directory in bytes.
Usage example of the fDriveInfo function
Returns information about a drive.
Usage example of the fDriveReady function
  • if a given drive (storage card, CD or DVD) is available,
  • whether the drive exists.
Usage example of the fEncrypt function
Encrypts a file in binary or ASCII format.
Returns the directory from which the execution is started.
Usage example of the fExtractPath function
Returns the different elements of a path: disk, directories, name and extension of the file.
Extracts a resource from the application into a physical device location.
Checks the existence of an external file.
Returns the name of an external file that is currently opened.
Finds a character string or a buffer in a file opened by fOpen.
Returns a directory path for the global data of current application (data shared between several applications), regardless of the current user.
Returns a directory path for the global data of current application (data shared between several applications), for the current user.
Usage example of the fGraphicFilter function
Returns the list of image formats supported by the current platform, in the format expected by the filter of fSelect.
Usage example of the fImageSelect function
Opens the image picker of Windows.
Inserts text at the beginning of a file without overwriting the existing text.
Used to find out whether a file found on disk or a file contained in a buffer corresponds to an image format recognized by WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
Usage example of the fListDirectory function
Lists the subdirectories of a given directory and returns the full paths of listed subdirectories.
Returns the list of disks installed on the computer.
Usage example of the fListFile function
Lists the files found in a directory and returns the list of files.
Lists the resources integrated to the application.
Loads the content of an external file (text, image, ...) in a buffer variable.
Loads the content of a resource from a library.
Loads the content of a text file into any text control or text variable (string variable, edit control in a window, Static control in a report, etc.).
Usage example of the fLock function
Entirely or partially locks an external file.
Usage example of the fLongName function
Returns the long name of a file or directory.
Usage example of the fLongPath function
Returns the full long path of a file or directory.
Usage example of the fMakeDir function
Creates a directory (and the intermediate directories if necessary).
Merges several files into a single one.
Returns the type of file according to the MIME standard (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).
Usage example of the fMoveDir function
Moves a directory and its content.
Moves a file from one directory to another.
Usage example of the fOpen function
Opens an external file (ANSI or UNICODE) in order to handle it through programming.
Creates and opens a temporary file.
Returns the path of the parent directory for the specified directory.
Usage example of the fRead function
  • a block of bytes (characters) in an external file (ANSI or Unicode),
  • the content of an external file (ANSI or Unicode) and assigns it to a memory area.
Usage example of the fReadLine function
Reads a line from an external file (ANSI or UNICODE).
Reads a line in an external file, gets sections of this line according to a regular expression and assigns them to a variable.
Usage example of the fRemoveDir function
Deletes a directory from a disk.
Usage example of the fRename function
Modifies the name of a file.
  • the full path of the directory for the custom reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by the user who created them.
  • the full path of the directory for the shared reports and queries. This directory corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by all the application users.
Returns the path of the read-only resources of the application.
Creates and fills a text file with the content of a string or buffer variable.
Creates and fills a text file with the content of a text control or text variable (string variable, edit control in a window, Static control in a report, ...).
Usage example of the fSeek function
Gets and sets current position in an external file.
Usage example of the fSelect function
Opens the Windows file picker.
Usage example of the fSelectDir function
Opens a directory picker.
Returns the separator of directory according to the current platform ('\' or '/').
Returns a file path with normalized separators.
Usage example of the fShortName function
Returns the short name of a file or directory.
Usage example of the fShortPath function
Returns the full short path of a file or directory.
Usage example of the fSize function
Returns the size of a file (in bytes).
Usage example of the fSizeUncompressed function
Returns the size of a file before compression. When a file is decompressed by fUncompress, we recommend that you to compare the non-compressed size of file with the available disk space.
Splits a file into several files.
Usage example of the fStopCompress function
Stops the operation used to compress or decompress a file.
Returns the name of directory used to store the temporary files.
Usage example of the fTempFile function
Returns the name of a unique temporary file.
Usage example of the fTempPath function
Returns the name of directory used to store the temporary files.
Usage example of the fTime function
Returns or modifies the different times associated with a file or directory (date created, modified or accessed).
Usage example of the fUncompress function
Decompresses a file that was compressed by fCompress.
List of functions for handling external files
External file functions (prefix syntax)
Usage example of the fUnlock function
Entirely or partially unlocks an external file.
Detects changes made to the contents of a directory.
Starts watching a file.
Stops watching a file or directory.
Stops all current watch tasks of files and directories.
Returns the physical name of the directory containing the images, JavaScript files and Java files of the WEBDEV website.
Usage example of the fWrite function
  • a character string to an external file.
  • a memory section.
Usage example of the fWriteLine function
Writes a line to a text file (ANSI or UNICODE).
WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile and WEBDEV propose several functions allowing you to manage the external files from your WINDEV/WINDEV Mobile applications or from your WEBDEV sites...
Opens an external file (ANSI or UNICODE) in order to handle it through programming.
Creates and opens a temporary file.
The file system on the devices running Android is divided into two main storage areas...
8 documents