Version: 2024

Objet interne pour la gest ion de VisiteGuidée.Etape.Disque.
Envoie un répertoire (présent sur la machine de l'utilisateur) vers un disque distant....
Tests the validity of an INSEE number (identification number of physical persons assigned by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies - Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques).
Le type _VisiteGuideeEtapeBulle permet de définir toutes les caractéristiques avancées d'un XXX....
List of functions for managing services...
Utilisation dans la classe _edthymlStylePolice - Accès en Lecture + Ecriture - Type : Tous types
Decrypts a message that was encrypted with a symmetrical encryption algorithm (AES, DES, etc.).
Checks the validity of a French SIREN number (Système d'Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises)....
Checks the validity of a French SIRET number (Système d'Identification du Répertoire des Etablissements)....
Abre una ventana cuyo resultado se recuperará a través de una Procedure WLanguage ("callback").
Abre una ventana cuyo resultado se recuperará a través de una Procedure WLanguage ("callback").
Encrypts a character string or a binary buffer by using a symmetrical encryption algorithm (AES, DES, etc.)
Encrypts a character string or a binary buffer by using a symmetrical encryption algorithm (AES, DES, etc.)
Le type _VisiteGuidéeActionAutorisée permet de définir toutes les caractéristiques avancées d'un XXX....
The TitleHeight property gets and sets: the height of the title for the columns of a Table or TreeView Table control. the height of the title bar of a Dockable Panel control. the height of the title bar of a window with a custom title bar....
The Title property is used to get and change the title of an element.
The MaskTitleTime property is used to get or change the mask used for the title of time columns: in an Organizer control. in a Scheduler control. in a TimeLine control....
Modifies the title of the current window (returned by CurrentWin) and the title bar.
The TitleHeader property is used to: Get the title and aspect of a column title-header (Table or TreeView Table control). Get the number of column title-headers (Table or TreeView Table control). Change the title and aspect of a column title-header (Table or TreeView Table control)....
The Title property is used to: Get the title of a Table control column, a Chart control, a window or a page Change the title of a Table control column, a Chart control, a window or a page....
Defines the title of X-axis and the title of Y-axis in a chart.
Defines the title of X-axis and the title of Y-axis in a chart.
Returns the title of the window.
The ToolTipTitle property gets and sets the text displayed in the tooltip associated with the column title of a Table control. This tooltip only appears when the Table control column title is hovered over.
Modifies the title of the current window.