Version: 2024

Category: Phone functions
36 results
Answers an incoming call that was detected.
Performs a "blind" transfer.
Returns the duration of the call (difference between the start date and time of call and the end date and time of call).
Used to find out the phone number called.
Returns the date and time of the end of call.
Used to find out the calling phone number (the one that calls).
Used to find out whether the number called is busy.
Used to find out whether the incoming or outgoing call is ended.
Used to find out whether the call is on hold.
Returns the date and time of the beginning of call (incoming or outgoing call).
Returns the characteristics of a telephony device.
Performs a call transfer (with ability to retrieve the call).
Selects the TAPI device that will be used during the following telephony operations:
Lists the TAPI 2.0 and TAPI 3.1 compatible devices installed on the current computer.
Dials a phone number for a voice line.
Indicates whether an error was returned by the last tapixxx function (functions for managing phone calls) to the TAPI module.
Hangs up a phone line started with tapiDial or tapiAnswerCall.
Puts a call on hold.
Returns the history of the keys pressed on the phone keypad since the last call to tapiKeyPressed.
Dials a phone number for a voice line and chooses the device to use.
Usage example of the tapiListen function
Starts the call detection (also called "call monitoring service").
Used to find out whether an answer was given to the call.
Identifies the origin of a call (incoming, outgoing, etc.).
Plays a sound file (.WAV) for the specified line.
Records the current communication as a".WAV" file.
Allows you to simulate the use of phone keys.
Stops reading a pre-recorded message (tapiPlay).
Stops the specified call detection that was started by tapiListen.
Picks up a call on hold.
List of constants used by telephony functions
List of telephony functions
The management of the incoming calls is performed in a specific "thread".
To manage the outgoing calls in a WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile application...
WINDEV allows you to easily manage the incoming and outgoing phone calls via the WLanguage telephony functions...
tapiDial callback