Version: 2024

Category: Looper control
23 results
A break in a Looper control is used to group the data corresponding to one or more arguments...
To display the control characteristics, select "Description" in the context menu of the control...
To view the characteristics of the control, select "Description" in the context menu.
In a Looper control, a different content can be assigned to the Table, Chart, List Box and TreeView controls...
Le menu contextuel d'un champ de saisie propose une option "Définir comme 1er champ en saisie"...
List of events associated with Looper controls
WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile and WEBDEV allow you to handle a Looper control by programming...
The "Image gallery" Looper control is used to manage the display of a set of images without programming...
There are two methods to populate Table and Looper controls programmatically...
This type of Looper control uses data from a data file or query...
A Looper control can be used to display the content of a data file or query...
A Looper control populated programmatically is directly linked to lists stored in memory...
You can manipulate Looper controls in a window or page using the following WLanguage properties...
Here is an overview of how to handle Looper controls populated programmatically in WLanguage.
Here is an overview of how to handle Looper controls populated programmatically in WLanguage
In a mobile application, several options can be handled with the fingers, by performing specific movements...
All the looper attributes can be handled by programming...
These are the main concepts for programming Looper controls based on a data file...
These are the main concepts for programming Looper controls based on a data file...
All the looper attributes can be handled by programming...
The attributes of a Looper control found in a window or in page can be handled by the WLanguage properties...
Several properties can be used with the breaks found in a Looper control...
A Looper control is used to repeat the controls found in a specific area...