Version: SaaS

Category: Control functions
74 results
Returns the coordinates of the rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
Converts the coordinates of a rectangle in the original image to the Image control coordinate system.
Converts the coordinates of a rectangle in the Image control to the original image coordinate system.
Determines if the screen reader is enabled.
Associates a procedure written in WLanguage with an event of ActiveX control.
Adds a link to a text section in an edit control.
Defines an attach point for one of the two extremities of a Wire control.
Deletes all the connection points for a control.
Modifies the style of a control dynamically.
Configures the spelling checker for the edit controls and for the Table control columns in the whole application.
List of constants used by the functions for managing controls
List of functions for managing controls
The Control type is used to define the characteristics of a control.
Gets, modifies or restores the data binding to a control or group of controls.
Usage example of the ControlClone function
Creates a new control from an existing control.
Identifies the control on which the context menu was opened.
Creates a new control (of any type) in a window through programming.
Returns the name of the control currently in edit.
Permanently deletes a control from a window, page or report.
Customizes the value displayed in the controls when the value cannot be displayed.
Runs the closing WLanguage event of an office control and displays its confirmation dialog if necessary.
Considers that the control has been modified by the user (the Modified property is set to True for the control and for the window if necessary) and runs the "Whenever modifying" WLanguage event associated with the control.
Checks the existence of a control (or group of controls) in a window, in a page or in a report.
Indicates the name of the first field specified in the tab order for the specified window.
Returns the name of the control located at a given position.
Indicates the origin of the entry in the control.
Returns the name of the next control in input mode.
Specifies whether the space characters on the right of the value found in the control are deleted.
Identifies the control hovered over with the mouse cursor.
Specifies the name of control that was in edit before the current control.
Returns a rectangle corresponding to the specified area of a control.
Returns the icon corresponding to the specified type of control.
Converts a size or a position specified in the reference dpi in the editor (160 dpi) to the native dpi of screen on the device where the application is run.
Converts the coordinates of a rectangle in the Image control to the original image coordinate system.
Converts the coordinates of a rectangle in the original image to the Image control coordinate system.
Converts a size or a position specified in the native dpi of the screen on the device where the application is run to the reference dpi in the editor (160 dpi).
Returns the number of occurrences of a control in a window, in a page or in a group of controls.
  • the index of the current indexed column in a Table control (based on a data file or populated programmatically).
  • the number of the column currently in edit mode in the specified Table control (based on a data file or populated programmatically).
Depending on the specified control, returns:
  • the number of the current row displayed in the current Table control,
  • the number of the option with focus in a Check Box control,
  • the number of the current row in the current Looper control,
  • the index of the current indexed control.
Deletes a parameter (or a set of parameters) saved either by SaveParameter, or automatically via the persistence of data in the controls.
Indicates and loads the dictionary corresponding to a given language.
Modifies the standard hover cursor for all the edit controls of the application.
Usage example of the EnumControl function
Returns the name of Nth control found in the specified element.
Initializes the management of persistent values.
Resizes a Layout control in order for all its cells to be entirely visible, without empty area.
Modifies the color of links in the edit controls and in the Static controls.
Changes the color of links in all RTF Edit controls in the application.
Reads a persistent value.
Returns the number of the next row displayed in the current Table control.
Automatically opens a context menu for the current control, window or page.
Identifies the "parent" of a graphic object: control, column, window, page, ...
  • all the controls found in the current window or page (including the groups of controls, the supercontrols and the internal windows).
  • the controls found in a group of controls, a supercontrol, an internal window or an internal page.
Stops the current process and forces the input in the specified control, window or page.
Saves a persistent value in the registry or in another file specified by InitParameter.
Defines the next control that will be in edit in the current window.
Used to find out whether the scrollbar of a control in a WINDEV application is visible.
Retrieves the maximum position of one of the horizontal or vertical scrollbars found in a control of a WINDEV application.
Used to manage the position of scrollbars:
  • Modifies or retrieves the position of one of the horizontal or vertical scrollbars found in a control of a WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile application.
  • Retrieves the position of one of the horizontal or vertical scrollbars found in a control of a WEBDEV site.
Displays (or not) a scrollbar in a WINDEV control (edit control or list box) even if no scrollbar was specified during the control description.
Changes the characteristics of the selection bar in a Table control, Combo Box control or List Box control.
Set focus:
  • to a control (found in a window, in a page or in a frameset).
  • to a window.
Stops the current process, sets the focus to the specified control, window or page, and allows the user to enter data.
Modifies the shape currently displayed in a Shape control to get a custom shape (by specifying the coordinates of polygon points).
Enables or disables the mechanism for displaying the control tooltips.
Returns the text with ellipsis displayed in an Edit, Combo Box or Static control.
Calculates the height (in pixels) of the text displayed in an edit control, in a Static control or in a Combo Box control.
Calculates the width (in pixels) of the text displayed in an edit control, in a Combo Box control or in a Static control.
Modifies the colors used for displaying the tooltips.
Used to modify:
  • the timeout before displaying the tooltips.
  • the display duration of the tooltips.
Modifies the margin of the text in the tooltips.
Modifies the maximum width of tooltips.
1 document