Version: SaaS

Category: Structured statements
28 results
Runs a process only after a given procedure has been executed, and continues to execute the current code while waiting for this procedure to end.
The return value of the process currently run can be assigned...
The keyword BREAK can correspond:
  • to the BREAK statement: it allows you to exit a set of instructions and run the rest of the current process.
  • to the BREAK label: it allows you to declare a section of code in a loop. This code will be run when exitingfrom the loop with a "BREAK" statement.
The <COMPILE IF> statement allows you to compile (or not) a WLanguage code according to a condition.
The <IF ExecutionTarget> compile statement allows you to compile or not compile a WLanguage code depending on the execution target.
The CONTINUE keyword can correspond:
  • to the CONTINUE instruction. It allows you to go back to the beginning of the first iteration without finishing the code of the current iteration.
  • to the CONTINUE: label. It allows you to declare a common code in a loop.
The END: label is used to define a code that will be systematically run at the end of process execution.
The FOR EACH statement is used to browse strings according to different methods...
The FOR EACH statement is used to perform different types of browse on the arrays...
The FOR EACH statement is used to perform different types of browse on the associative arrays...
The FOR EACH statement is used to browse the available values in the combinations.
The FOR EACH statement is used to browse the available values in the enumerations.
The statement FOR EACH is used to perform different types of browse on the controls (List Box, Table or Looper controls)...
The FOR EACH statement is used to run different types of HFSQL loops...
The FOR EACH statement loops through a variable of type xmlReader in various ways:
  • Loop through a level.
  • Loop through a level with copy.
  • In-depth loop.
The statement block is repeated while a control variable is modified and compared to a limit value (before each beginning of statement block)...
The GOTO statement is used to run a code identified by a given label...
The statement block is repeated endlessly...
The RETURN statement is used to exit a statement block and the current process (or procedure).
The RETURN statement is used to exit the current event, process or procedure and return a result...
The conditional IF statement allows you to run an action according to a condition...
The SWITCH statement is used to choose the action that will be run according to the value of an expression...
The statement USING ... IN makes it possible to automatically perform initialization and ending operations on critical sections.
The statement USING ... IN allows you to automatically start and stop a stopwatch.
In a WHILE statement, the expression is evaluated at each beginning of the block of statements...
Factorizes the expression of an element on which several sub-elements or properties are accessed.