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Help / Installing applications and websites / WINDEV application
  • Overview
  • How to install and use a Private Store
  • Step 1: Configure your server
  • Step 2: Generate the application setup
  • Step 3: Install the application on the Private Store
  • Using and configuring the Private Store
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WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
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Stored procedures
Versions 27 and later include a Private Store. This store allows you to group applications used within an organization.
The Private Store can be accessed from within the organization only, or be publicly accessible .
A portal with optional authentication allows authorized users to install applications.
This standardizes and simplifies app distribution within an organization.
Remark: The Private Store portal uses the browser language. For example, if the browser is in English the portal will be in English.
How to install and use a Private Store

Step 1: Configure your server

Two cases may occur:
  • If you are using a PCSCloud platform: the required elements are installed by default on your platform.
    Reminder: PCSCloud is a paid, turnkey solution. For more details, see PCSCloud.
    To have your Private Store hosted at PCSCloud, choose the Operating platform solution.
  • If you are not using a PCSCloud platform: install the following elements:
    • an HFSQL server,
    • the reserved server, including the modules for the Mobile User Groupware (WDBaaS).
    For more details, see Configuring a BaaS server (User Groupware and Private Store).

Step 2: Generate the application setup

Application setups for the Private Store can be generated in the same way as standard application setups. Only a few options are different.
To generate the setup of your application in the Private Store:
  1. On the "Project" tab, in the "Generation" group, expand "Setup procedure" and select "Create setup procedure".
  2. The wizard that appears allows you to create the executable and the setup of your application.
  3. If you have not yet created the executable, follow the corresponding steps.
  4. Click "Setup" and select "Setup on a Private Store". Go to the next step.
  5. Enter the application parameters for the Private Store:
    • Application name,
    • Application visibility (private or public):
      • Public application in the Private Store: Any user connected to Private Store can download and install the application.
      • Private application in the Private Store: only authenticated users can access the application setup program.
    • Description and image associated with the application.
  6. Go to the next step.
  7. Indicate the specific properties of the reference executable, as well as the description of the version for the Private Store.
  8. Go to the next step.
  9. The following steps are the same as those for generating the setup of a standard application. For more details, see Setup wizard: Steps for creating a WINDEV application setup program.
  10. At the end of the wizard, you can choose how to generate the setup program. For applications deployed to the Private Store, only a self-extracting executable can be generated.
  11. Click "Finish". The setup program is generated.

Step 3: Install the application on the Private Store

Once the application setup program has been generated, it can be executed:
  • directly ("Test").
  • by running the "exe" program, located in the "Install_xxx" subdirectory of the project directory.
When installing the application:
  1. If necessary, select the setup language.
  2. Specify the Private Store connection options:
    • The address of the BaaS server used.
    • The supervisor's login credentials.
    This information was provided during the setup of the server reserved.
    • If you are using a PCSCloud platform, the server address is the name of your platform.
    • The Private Store administration site can be accessed from a browser with Address http(s):///WDBaaS. To log in for the first time, use "admin" as username, and enter the password specified in the setup.
  3. Specify the application setup parameters:
    • Setup signature
    • Integration of a custom configuration file.
    • Transition from a setup on the network to a setup on the Private Store: Indicate if the network setup of your application needs to become available in the Private Store. In this case, the old versions deployed on user computers will automatically update to use Private Store.
  4. Validez. The application is installed on the Private Store. You can share the Private Store link with the users of your application.

Using and configuring the Private Store

To verify and configure your application in the Private Store:
  1. Open the Private Store: The Private Store administration site can be accessed from a browser with Address http(s):///WDBaaS.
  2. Deployed applications with visibility set to "Public" will be shown (visibility set in the setup creation wizard).
  3. To configure the options of the Private Store, click "Log in".
  4. To log in for the first time, use "admin" as username, and enter the password specified in the setup. Once you are logged in, you can change the password if necessary.
  5. The application catalog appears. Click "Administration"..
  6. The administration site contains:
    • The general options of Private Store, which can be accessed via a menu at the top of the page.
    • The different applications in the Private Store, on the left. you can click the name of an application to see its options.
Remark: Administrator login credentials lost:
To reset the administrator's login credentials:
  1. Start WINDEV and open the project.
  2. Go to the User Groupware settings: on the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, click "User Groupware".
  3. In the configuration description window, click "Reset administrator account password".
  4. In the window that appears:
    • Select the corresponding WEBDEV Application Server. Check the different options.
    • In "Administrator to reset", enter the administrator's username and new password.
    • Validez. Changes are automatically applied.
1. General options of the Private Store.
The general options of Private Store are:
  • User and group management. You can add users and set a specific user as administrator (supervisor). Once the user is created, you can edit their profile and indicate if they are allowed to add Windows applications to the Private Store. This option is particularly useful for test Private Stores or for Private Stores specific to development teams.
  • SMTP settings: This option allows you to configure the SMTP server to send emails to users.
  • The options: This page contains all the customization and configuration options of the Private Store:
    • Private Store label, which appears in the site banner (by default, "Application catalog").
    • Add Windows applications: Allows or prevents users from adding applications to Private Store (you can also configure this option for each user).
    • Account creation: Specifies the rights to create accounts: all users, none or only some users.
    • User activation mode: Automatic or by email.
    • Two-factor authentication: Mandatory or enabled only by the user. You can create a message prompting the user to contact an administrator if they cannot get the code.
    • reCAPTCHA keys: Allows you to specify the reCAPTCHA v3 details (available in Google's Admin console).
    • Token reset: A connection token is provided when the Application Server is installed. You can generate this token again in case of loss.
2. Application options.
The Windows application options allow you to:
  • Get the reference version number of the application and the minimum version required. You can also determine if the application has been downloaded.
  • Transform a public application into a private application. This allows you to define download rights:
    • Download available to everyone.
    • Download available only to connected users.
    • Download available only to some users or groups.
Minimum version required
  • Version 27
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Last update: 04/26/2024

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