Help / Editors / Project editor / Environment
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Enabling UI compilation errors
  • Correcting a UI error
  • Disabling a UI compilation error
  • Some examples of detected UI errors
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Stored procedures
UI compilation errors indicate the possible problems detected in your interfaces whenever a window, a page or a report is saved or whenever the project is recompiled.
UI compilation errors are also available on reports. By default, UI compilation errors are enabled for each new project.
How to?

Enabling UI compilation errors

UI compilation errors can be enabled:
  • from the project description.
  • from the pane of compilation errors.
To enable UI compilation errors from the project description:
  1. Open the project description window (go to the "Project" tab, "Project" group and click "Description").
  2. In the "Compilation" tab:
    • In "UI errors", check "Enable UI compilation".
    • The "Edit the languages" button is used to choose the project languages that will be taken into account by the UI compilation.
  3. Validate.
To enable UI compilation errors from the compilation errors pane:
  1. Open the compilation errors pane. Go to the "Home" tab, "Environment" group, expand "Panes", select "Panes", and then select "Compilation errors".
  2. Click .
UI errors are checked:
  • whenever saving a window, a page or a report.
  • whenever recompiling the project.

Correcting a UI error

UI errors are listed in the compilation errors pane.
To fix UI errors:
  1. Double-click the error displayed in the pane. The element containing the control where the problem occurs is opened in the editor. The description of the corresponding control is displayed.
  2. Fix the problem.

Disabling a UI compilation error

To disable a UI compilation error:
  1. In the pane of compilation errors, select the error to disable.
  2. Open the context menu of the error:
    • "Disable this error" is used to disable the selected error.
    • the option "Disable this error and all the identical ones" is used to disable the error and all the errors of the same type in the current project.
To see the list of disabled UI compilation errors:
  1. Right-click in the compilation errors pane to open the context menu.
  2. Select "List of disabled errors".
To re-enable (if necessary) one or more errors in this list, all you have to do is uncheck the errors that must be re-enabled and validate the window.
Some examples of detected UI errors
The problems that can be detected are as follows:
  • Checking the existence of the images used by the Image controls.
  • Detecting the truncated captions on some types of controls.
  • WINDEV Checking the existence of the internal windows used by the Internal Window controls.
  • Checking whether an anchored table contains an anchored column.
  • Checking the links with the items of the data files or with the variables.
  • Checking the existence of the control captions in all the languages.
  • WINDEV Checking whether a shortcut does not exist several times in the same window.
  • WINDEV Checking the corrupted links in the table breaks.
  • Checking the presence of empty rows at the end of initial content of list box and combo box.
  • Checking the spelling mistakes.
  • Error if the text displayed in a language is always the default text.
  • Checking whether the caption of a button does not exceed the size of the control.
  • Checking the identical databinding links.
  • WINDEV Checking the use of menus with different styles ("system" and "non system") in the same window
  • WINDEV Checking the tooltips in a window. Error if several controls have the same tooltip.
  • Verification of project dependencies. Error if dependencies are missing. For example: Style sheets, external CSS sheets, images from personal folders, programming guidelines, custom project fonts, etc.
Minimum version required
  • Version 14
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Last update: 01/28/2025

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