- Overview
- How to?
- Displaying the cross-references of an element
- Configuring the display options of cross-references
Cross-references in the code editor
The cross-references in the code editor are used to identify: - the codes calling the element currently selected in the code editor.
- the codes called by the element currently selected in the code editor.
This element can be a control, a window, a procedure, a class method, a WLanguage function , ...
Displaying the cross-references of an element To display the cross-references of an element (control, window, procedure, WLanguage function, ...) found in the code editor: - Position the mouse cursor on the element name.
- Use:
- the key combination Shift + F2.
- "Cross-references" in the context menu.
- The list of cross-references is displayed.
Configuring the display options of cross-references You can configure the display options of the cross-references in the display window ("Display options").
It is possible to list the following elements: - Code references These references may correspond to:
- the uses of the element in the code. In this case, the reference is automatically listed as soon as the name of the element is used.
- the modifications of the element only. In this case, only the lines of code in which the element is modified are listed.
New in version 2025subscribers to reactive procedures. In this case, as soon as the field is subscribed to a reactive procedure (i.e. it is modified by a reactive procedure), the element is listed. New in version 2025triggers for reactive procedures. In this case, as soon as the field triggers a reactive procedure, it is listed. - the call to the procedures (for the local or global procedures). Only the calls to the procedures are listed.
- References of element: internal window or page, template, ..., i.e. the windows, internal pages or templates that use the element.
- Links , for controls linked to data files and items in the analysis.
- Shared information of the analysis, for controls linked to items.
- Links from the flexible models (for example, if the window is used in a flexible model).
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