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Help / Editors / Code editor
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Displaying the cross-references of an element
  • Configuring the display options of cross-references
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Stored procedures
The cross-references in the code editor are used to identify:
  • the codes calling the element currently selected in the code editor.
  • the codes called by the element currently selected in the code editor.
This element can be a control, a window, a procedure, a class method, a WLanguage function , ...
How to?

Displaying the cross-references of an element

To display the cross-references of an element (control, window, procedure, WLanguage function, ...) found in the code editor:
  1. Position the mouse cursor on the element name.
  2. Use:
    • the key combination Shift + F2.
    • "Cross-references" in the context menu.
  3. The list of cross-references is displayed.

Configuring the display options of cross-references

You can configure the display options of the cross-references in the display window ("Display options").
Display options
It is possible to list the following elements:
  • Code references These references may correspond to:
    • the uses of the element in the code. In this case, the reference is automatically listed as soon as the name of the element is used.
    • the modifications of the element only. In this case, only the lines of code in which the element is modified are listed.
    • New in version 2025
      subscribers to reactive procedures. In this case, as soon as the field is subscribed to a reactive procedure (i.e. it is modified by a reactive procedure), the element is listed.
    • New in version 2025
      triggers for reactive procedures. In this case, as soon as the field triggers a reactive procedure, it is listed.
    • the call to the procedures (for the local or global procedures). Only the calls to the procedures are listed.
  • References of element: internal window or page, template, ..., i.e. the windows, internal pages or templates that use the element.
  • Links , for controls linked to data files and items in the analysis.
  • Shared information of the analysis, for controls linked to items.
  • Links from the flexible models (for example, if the window is used in a flexible model).
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 01/30/2025

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