- Overview of a .NET object
- Syntax for declaring a .NET object
- Declaring a .NET object
- The members of a .NET object
- Remark: Problems with the case
- The methods of a .NET object
- Remark: Problems with the case
- Lifespan of a .NET object
Overview of a .NET object To access a .NET class, the .NET object must be declared as being part of the class to handle, this is called instantiation of a .NET object. An instance is a .NET object that belongs to a given .NET class. To handle a .NET object, you must: - Import the.NET assembly (for more details, see Using .NET assemblies in a WINDEV application).
- Declare the .NET object as being an object of one of the assembly classes. A .NET object can be passed in parameter to a function or to a procedure.
Syntax for declaring a .NET object Declaring a .NET object <Name of .NET object> is [object] <Name of .NET class>([<Parameters>]) where: - <Name of .NET object>: Name that identifies the instance of the class.
- <Name of .NET class>: Name identifying the class. If the .NET class is named like a WLanguage keyword, the name of the class must be enclosed in quotes (for example, o is "<Class>"(<Parameters>).
To use a class by specifying the namespace, the full name of the class must be enclosed in quotes. For example:
var3 is "Microsoft.CRM.Proxy.CRMAccount"
To use a generic, the name of the generic must be enclosed in quotes. For example:
MyList is List<CMyObject>"
- <Parameters>: Optional parameters of the constructor. For more details, see Constructor method.
The members of a .NET object A member of an object is a data associated with the object. To access the members, use the following syntaxes: - Calling a member that belongs to an object other than the current object:
<Object Name>: <Member Name> The member is sought among the members of the object class. If the member is not found, it is sought among the members of the ancestor classes of the object class. - Calling a member of the current object:
- Calling a member of an ancestor class that was redefined:
<Object Name>: <Class Name>:: <Member Name> - Calling a member of a general class:
<Class Name>:: <Member Name>
Remark: Problems with the case Sometimes, two members of a .NET object have the same name except for the case (uppercase/lowercase characters). In this case, WINDEV gives priority to the member that uses the case entered in the code editor. Reminder: To avoid using the automatic completion in the code editor of WINDEV, all you have to do is ignore the suggestion made by WINDEV (do not press the ENTER key). The methods of a .NET object The methods of an object are features associated with the object. - Calling a method that belongs to an object other than the current object:
<Object Name>: <Method Name> ([<Parameters>]) The member is sought among the methods of the object class. If the method is not found, it is sought among the methods of the ancestor classes of the object class. - Calling a generic method:
<Object Name>: "<Method Name><<Concrete Type>>" ([<Parameters>]) Example for calling a generic method:
MyList is List<int>"
clClone is CClone
MyListCopy is List<int>" <- clClone."CloneList<int>"(MyList)
- Calling an extension method:
<Object Name>: <Method Name> ([<Parameters>]) The extension methods can be called like the methods of the object.
Remark: Problems with the case In some cases, two methods of a .NET object have the same name except for the case (uppercase/lowercase characters). In this case, WINDEV gives priority to the method that uses the case entered in the code editor. Reminder: To avoid using the automatic completion in the code editor of WINDEV, all you have to do is ignore the suggestion made by WINDEV (do not press the ENTER key). Lifespan of a .NET object The object is created during its declaration. The object is local by default. The object is automatically destroyed at the end of the process containing its declaration: - An object declared in the initialization code of a window will be destroyed at the end of the closing process of the window.
- An object declared global in the initialization code of a project will be destroyed at the end of the closing process of first project window.
Related Examples:
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