Help / WEBDEV administrator / WEBDEV administrator (development mode)
  • Overview
  • Details of the "Advanced" tab
  • Server used
  • Diagnostic
  • Name or IP address of current computer
  • Test page
  • Finding expired pages
  • Printer used by default (Intranet sites only)
  • Error messages
  • Email spooler
  • Sockets
  • Prevent from changing IP while browsing
  • Prevent access to AWP context identifiers from JavaScript
  • Manage the fCopyFileWebFolder and fDeleteFileWebFolder functions
  • Require a secure connection (https) for remote administration sites
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WEBDEV administrator: Advanced configuration
The "Advanced" tab is used to configure the advanced features at server level:
  • Manage the Web server:
    • Choose one of the Web servers installed on the current computer to run the WEBDEV sites.
    • Check the configuration of the current computer.
    • Specify the name or IP address of the current computer.
  • Display a test page:
    • Display in the browser a page used to start all WEBDEV sites installed on the current computer.
    • Display in the browser a page used to start all WEBDEV web services installed on the current computer.
  • Perform a search for the expired pages.
  • Manage the print jobs.
  • Configure error messages displayed in the browser.
  • Perform various configurations:
    • Manage the emails in asynchronous mode.
    • Manage the server sockets.
    • Forbid the change of IP while navigating.
    • Don't allow access to AWP context identifiers from JavaScript.
    • Manage the fCopyFileWebFolder and fDeleteFileWebFolder functions.
    • Require a secure connection (https) for remote administration sites.
Details of the "Advanced" tab

Server used

The "Server" button is used to choose one of the Web servers installed on the current computer to run the WEBDEV sites.
Caution: This server will be used for all the WEBDEV sites and WEBDEV web services installed on this computer.
If the server used is not found in this list, choose "Other". You will have to manually configure the Web server used. For more details, see Configuration of specific servers.
  • The [Virtual servers] button appears if an IIS or Apache server is selected. This button is used to select the virtual servers on which the alias required by WEBDEV (WD300AWP) will be created.
  • The [Apache parameters] button appears if an Apache server is selected. This button allows you to select the type of Apache server used as well as its parameters. This allows you to manage the Apache servers installed by EasyPHP or WAMP.


The "Diagnostic" button is used to check the configuration of current computer or the configuration of specified computer.
This diagnostic is used to check:
  • whether the FTP/IP protocol is installed
  • whether a Web server (HTTP server) is started
  • whether the AWP protocol manager is configured properly
  • whether the necessary WEBDEV executables are found.
The dynamic WEBDEV sites or the WEBDEV web services will not operate if one of these conditions is not fulfilled. For more details, see Computer configuration.

Name or IP address of current computer

The WEBDEV administrator allows you to specify a name or an IP address to identify a specific computer.
You also have the ability to specify the port number. For example: localhost:8080.
This computer will be used:
  • when clicking the "Diagnostic" button.
  • when clicking the "Test page" button.
  • when running the test of a site, page, report, ... from the WEBDEV editor ("GO" icon).

Test page

The "Test page" button opens a page in the browser allowing you to start each one of the dynamic WEBDEV sites or WEBDEV web services installed on the current computer or on the specified computer. For more details, see Site test.

Finding expired pages

This option is used to enable and configure the search for expired pages on the WEBDEV sites managed by WEBDEV Application Server.
To manage the search for expired pages:
  1. Check "Allow the search for expired pages".
  2. The settings window appears automatically.
  3. Specify:
    • the start time of search for the expired pages. At the specified time, the application server will perform a search for expired pages in all dynamic WEBDEV sites managed by the server.
    • the email address of sender of alert email. The parameters of email recipients have been defined in the page description, in the editor. For more details, see Managing the expiration dates of pages.
    • the address and the port of SMTP server used to send emails. You can also specify whether the email spooler must be used.
    • the login and password of the user of SMTP server (for the servers with authentication).
  4. Validate.

Printer used by default (Intranet sites only)

The "Print jobs" button is used to select the default printer that will be used when printing on a local printer or on a network printer of Web server.
Remark: If a network printer is selected, the print rights must be defined for this printer. For more details, see Printing a report on a printer connected to a Web server.

Error messages

The "Errors" button list the different errors that can be displayed in the browser of the Web user.
You have the ability to customize the error message and the HTML page where the error is displayed. For more details, see Customizing errors.

Email spooler

If the "Disable mail spool" option is unchecked, your sites will be able to send emails without blocking the execution of the different processes (asynchronous mode).
The asynchronous mode must be enabled when starting the email session (with EmailStartSMTPSession or EmailStartSession).
If the asynchronous mode is enabled, all outgoing emails will be redirected to a "Spooler". Emails are queued up before being sent.
Executing Email functions does no longer block the rest of the program. EmailStatus is used to determine the status of an email.
Remark: If the WEBDEV administrator is closed, the email spooler is cleared: pending emails are not sent and are removed from the spooler.
If "Disable mail spool" is checked while there are pending emails, these emails will not be lost: the administrator continues to send them, but the spooler will not accept any new emails.
Caution: The asynchronous mode can only be used when starting a session on an SMTP server (EmailStartSMTPSession for sending emails or EmailStartSession). The asynchronous mode is ignored in all other cases.


If the "Allow server sockets" option is checked, your sites will be able to handle server sockets (via Socketxxx WLanguage functions).

Prevent from changing IP while browsing

If "Prevent from changing IP while browsing" is checked, the IP address associated with the session cannot change while online. This is used to protect against "session hijack" attacks (attack that consists in pretending to be a legitimate user connected to the server).

Prevent access to AWP context identifiers from JavaScript

In an AWP site, the site context is stored on the server. The identifier of this context is sent and stored in the browser via a cookie.
If "Prevent access to AWP context identifiers from JavaScript" is checked, the type of cookies used will be "HTTPOnly", which cannot be read from JavaScript code. This mode protects against XSS attacks (Cross-Site scripting).
By default, the access to the AWP context identifiers is not allowed from JavaScript.

Manage the fCopyFileWebFolder and fDeleteFileWebFolder functions

The "Allow the fCopyFileWebFolder and fDeleteFileWebFolder functions" option must be checked if these functions are used in the website.
These functions are mainly used to include images found in the data directory in the directory of site images (images uploaded then made available to the Web users of the site for example).
Caution: The copy is taken into account by the WEBDEV administrator on the server (WD300ADMIN.EXE). The Windows account running it must have sufficient rights to the target location of the copy.

Require a secure connection (https) for remote administration sites

The "Require a secure connection (https) for remote administration sites" option allows you to use the remote administration sites provided with WEBDEV in secure mode. The affected management sites are:
  • the remote WEBDEV administrator,
  • the remote HFSQL administrator,
  • the remote SaaS administrator.
Minimum version required
  • Version 12
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Last update: 07/03/2023

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