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Help / Tools / WDSQL
  • Overview
  • Structure of an Oracle or SQL Server database
  • Structure of a database other than Oracle and SQL Server
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Stored procedures
WDSQL is used to find out the structure of the accessed database.
To display the database structure, click Analysis icon.
This feature is available:
  • for the Oracle or SQL Server databases,
  • for the other types of databases.
Structure of an Oracle or SQL Server database
If the current database is an Oracle database or an SQL Server database, the following window is displayed when clicking the Analysis icon icon:
Information is organized into different tabs.
Note: The information displayed concerns all database users (not just the logged-in user).
TablesList the database tables created by the selected user (in the "User" combo box).
The following information is displayed for each table:
  • The name of columns.
  • The HFSQL type of columns. This type corresponds to the type used in WINDEV.
  • The Oracle type of columns. This type corresponds to the type of columns in Oracle.
  • The size of columns.
ViewsList the database views created by the selected user (in the "User" combo box).
The following information is displayed for each view:
  • The name of columns.
  • The HFSQL type of columns. This type corresponds to the type used in WINDEV.
  • The Oracle type of columns. This type corresponds to the type of columns in Oracle.
  • The size of columns.
SynonymsList the database synonyms visible by the selected user (in the "User" combo box).
The following information is displayed for each synonym:
  • The visibility of synonym.
  • The name of the synonym owner.
  • The name of the synonym.
  • The source name of the object.
  • The remote database to which the object belongs (if necessary).
IndexList the database indexes created by the selected user (in the "User" combo box).
When selecting an index, the name of the columns associated with this index is displayed.
ProceduresList the database functions, packages and stored procedures created by the selected user (in the "User" combo box). The icon found in front of the name of a procedure indicates that the procedure contains at least one compilation error.
You have the ability to create, modify or delete a stored procedure, a function or a package.
To create a stored procedure (a function or a package), all you have to do is specify:
  • The name of the stored procedure (function or package).
  • The code of the stored procedure (function or package).
The stored procedure (function or package) is automatically created in the database and compiled. The list of compilation errors is displayed if necessary.
Example of using a procedure: the following syntax is used to display the result of a function:
SELECT <NomFonction>(<Paramètres>) from dual
Links (Oracle databases only)List the different remote databases accessible from the database.
The following information is displayed for each database:
  • The name of the owner of the remote database.
  • The name of the link used to access the remote database.
  • The connection string used by Oracle to access the remote database.
  • The visibility of the remote database.
Example: the syntax below is used to select the data found in a table of a remote database:
SELECT * from <NomTable>@<NomDuLlien>
UsersList the users defined on the database.
The creation date and time are displayed for each user.
Structure of a database other than Oracle and SQL Server
If the current database is not an Oracle database or an SQL Server database, the following window is displayed when clicking the Analysis icon icon:
Information is organized into different tabs.
TablesList the database tables.
The following information is displayed for each table:
  • the name of columns,
  • the type of columns,
  • the size of columns.
ViewsList the database views.
The following information is displayed for each view:
  • the name of columns,
  • the type of columns,
  • the size of columns.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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