Help / Tools / WDMap
  • Overview
  • How to?
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Stored procedures
WDMAP allows you to export records to:
  • an Excel file. The records will be available to be used by Excel (statistics, calculations, ...).
  • an XML file. Then, the records can be displayed in an Internet page.
  • a text file.
The exported records correspond to the ones viewed in WDMap. To export a selection of records, all you have to do is select the records viewed.
How to?
To export all the records viewed:
  1. Display the data file form which the records must be exported (for more details, see Viewing the records found in a data file).
  2. Select the records to export. For more details, see Selecting the records viewed.
    Reminder: Only the records viewed in WDMap will be exported.
  3. Select "File .. Export" and select the requested type of export (to Excel, into an XML file or into a text file). A file picker is displayed.
  4. Enter the name (and path) of the generated file. There is no need to enter the extension of the generated file.
Remark: To export all the records viewed, you also have the ability to select "Export" from the popup menu of the table (right mouse click).
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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