- Overview
- How to translate the messages (framework or AAFs) used by your project?
- Remarks
- Content of the installation package
WDINT is an optional tool of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile. If you do not own WDINT, contact PC SOFT Sales Department, your retailer or visit our website www.WINDEV.com.WDINT is used to extract: - the messages displayed by the different WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV frameworks (".DLL" files). These frameworks are respectively used by a WINDEV application, a WINDEV Mobile application or a WEBDEV website.
These messages can be displayed when running a project developed with WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV. Some examples:- "Division by 0"
- "The BtnOk element is unknown"
- "No analysis is opened and the CITY file is not described", ...
- the different options of Automatic Application Features (AAF)
- the different windows used for the Automatic Application Features (AAF).
- the options in the advanced control ribbon (Image Editor, Word Processing, Spreadsheet controls, etc.).
WDINT generates an extraction file (".wdmsg" file) for each language supported by a project. This file is identical for WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile. This extraction file can be translated using WDTRAD, a tool supplied with WDINT. How to translate the messages (framework or AAFs) used by your project? To translate the messages (framework, AAFs, etc.) used by your project: - Start WDINT by using one of the following methods:
- select "Programs .. WINDEV - WDINT" from the "Start" menu (if WINDEV is installed on the computer).
- select "Programs .. WINDEV Mobile - WDINT" from the "Start" menu (if WINDEV Mobile is installed on the computer).
- select "Programs .. WEBDEV - WDINT" from the "Start" menu (if WEBDEV is installed on the computer).
- in the product you are using, go to the "Project" tab, "Translate" group, expand "Translate" and select "WDInt - Framework translation".
- double-click "WDINT.EXE" (located in the installation directory of WDINT). In this case, you must specify the language used by WDINT.
- Specify (if necessary) the product used to develop the project (WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile).
- Create a translation file.
- Translate the framework messages with WDTRAD.
If an external company does the translation, WDTRAD and the wdmsg extraction file can be supplied to this company. - Reintegrate the translated messages into your project.
- The "Developer" messages (displayed when the project is developed) are not translated.
- The different frameworks of WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile, WEBDEV, AAFs and advanced controls contain over 10000 messages. Some of these messages do not have to be translated. Untranslated messages will be displayed in English, French or Spanish, depending on the version of WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV used.
- The messages extracted by WDINT are identified by their type in WDTRAD. This allows you to sort the resources according to their type: AAF, user resources, system resources.
- By default, the messages from the different WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV frameworks are displayed in English if the project is developed with an English version. The english.wdm, espanol.wdm and francais.wdm files are available in the "Personal" subdirectory of WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile or WEBDEV. These files are updated each time the IDE is updated with new messages.
Content of the installation package WDINT is available: - with WDMSG. In this case, a link to download the WDMSG installation package has been provided to you by email or in your package.
- separately. In this case, a link to download the WDINT installation package has been provided to you by email or in your package.
The WDINT installation package 2025 allows you to install the following elements: - WDINT 2025: extraction tool for WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 2025 projects.
- WDTRAD 2025: translation tool for WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 2025 projects.
- WDDIXIO 2025: translation tool for WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 2025 projects.
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