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Help / Tools / WDAPI
  • Overview
  • Starting WDAPI
  • Start
  • Use conditions
  • Features
  • Interface
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Stored procedures
WDAPI simplifies the use of Windows APIs in a WINDEV application. WDAPI generates the WLanguage code and structures required for using a given Windows API.
Caution: WDAPI does not allow you to search for an API based on a given feature.. To use WDAPI, you must know the name of the API to use.
WDAPI does NOT document the use of each Windows API of the system! However, WDAPI gives you the ability to directly start a site or a document (chosen by yourself) corresponding to the documentation of the Windows APIs.
WDAPI will not train you on how to use the 1,600 Windows APIs but it will help you tremendously in the generation step of the code. In fact, the API function that was selected in WDAPI can be used in your code.
Note: The list of Windows API s supplied with WDAPI is NOT exhaustive.
Starting WDAPI


WDAPI can be started using one of the following methods:
  • by executing the "WDAPI.EXE" file located in the WINDEV installation directory.
  • from WINDEV control center: under "Tools", in the "Utilities" group, click on "WDTool".

Use conditions

WDAPI cannot be distributed with your applications. WDAPI cannot be installed with the applications developed with WINDEV.
The terms of the WINDEV license agreement apply.
The interface of WDAPI is as follows:

WDAPI navigation panes: access the various functions offered by WDAPI.
List of API Windows functions (or structures or constants, depending on the selected pane): You can rAPI dement find an API function, structure or constant by entering its name.
WLanguage code generated by WDAPI: This code is automatically generated by WDAPI to facilitate the use of API Windows functions, structures or constants.
copy buttons : copy r WDAPI-generated WLanguage code to the Windows clipboard, so you can insert it into the process of your choice (project or window initialization, global procedures, etc.).
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/19/2024

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