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Help / Reports & Queries
  • Overview
  • User version of query editor (Reports & Queries)
  • Migrating the queries created in WDEtat User Version
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
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Stored procedures
A query is used to request information from a database to view, insert, change or delete data. The query structure defines the data used. For more details, see Queries.
A query can be created and handled in the query editor.
Two versions of the query editor are available:
  • the query editor included in the product.
    This version is provided with WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile. This version can only be used when developing a WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile application, or a WEBDEV website. For more details, see Query editor.
  • the User version of the query editor (also called Reports & Queries).
    This editor is provided with WINDEV only.
    This version is independent of WINDEV and it can be used by the end users.
    This version is included in Reports &Queries. For more details, see Reports & Queries.
    Some features of the query editor are not available in this version. For more details, see Limitations of user version of query editor.
Contact PC SOFT Sales Department for more details about the User version of query editor.
User version of query editor (Reports & Queries)
Reports & Queries allows you to create and run queries from the editor (WINDEV is not required).
The created queries can be run from the query editor or from a WINDEV application (if this application supports the queries created by Reports & Queries, via HExecuteQuery).
Some features of the query editor are not available in this version. For more details, see Limitations of user version of query editor.
The icon indicates the differences between the user version of query editor and the standard query editor.
No dongle is required to use the user version of query editor.
Some operations are required to create new queries or to modify the existing queries with Reports & Queries. For more details, see Distributing Reports & Queries.
Migrating the queries created in WDEtat User Version
The queries created in WDEtat User Version can be opened in Reports & Queries. When they are opened, these queries are automatically migrated to version 16.
To be able to use these queries, we advise you to save these queries with Reports & Queries ().
Note: Queries created in WDQBE cannot be opened in Reports & Queries.. These queries must be recreated in Reports & Queries.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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