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  • Overview
  • Importing a SOAP web service into a project
  • Import
  • Tab "Project Explorer": view a web service
  • Description and properties of a SOAP web service
  • Updating the description of a web service
  • Properties of a web service modifiable in the editor
  • Using a SOAP web service
  • Principle
  • How to set values in the HTTP header of a SOAP web service call?
  • Asynchronous call to a SOAP web service
  • SOAP web service properties
  • Properties available on the types of variables
  • Advanced operations of the XML stream of the web service
  • Special case: the web service returns a result in a type not recognized by WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile
  • Distributing a WINDEV application using a SOAP web service
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile let you import SOAP web services directly into your applications.
A SOAP webservice is a set of entry points made available to users in order to perform various processes. For example, a remote access service provides the processes used to access the data. Data exchange with a web service is done in XML format, via SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and HTTP.
From the WSDL (Web Services Description Language) description of this service, WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile will automatically generate WLanguage types and functions corresponding to the SOAP web service programming interface.
To use the SOAP web service, simply use the functions generated at import time.
This help page presents:
Importing a SOAP web service into a project


To import a SOAP web service:
  1. On the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, expand "Import" and select "A web service".
    Web service import menu
    The web service import wizard opens.
  2. In the wizard, the presentation screen is displayed. Go to the next step.
  3. Specify the location of the WSDL. This file corresponds to the web service description. It contains the description of each function found in the web service as well as their parameters.
    Address of the WSDL
    Two methods can be used to localize the WSDL:
    • from a URL, HTTP address where the WSDL is found.
      • You have the ability to specify the username and the password if an authentication is required.
      • The "Proxy" button is used to configure the proxy options if necessary.
    • from an XML file found on the current computer.
  4. Finish the wizard. A message is displayed, indicating that the import is ended.
    Validate import
  5. The web service is automatically added to the "Project Explorer" pane (in the "Imported web services" branch).. It is ready to use.

Tab "Project Explorer": view a web service

The imported web service can be found in the "Project Explorer" pane, "Imported web services" folder:
Web service in the 'Project explorer' pane
The structure includes:
  • the name of the web service.
  • the name of each function.
  • the name of a structure containing either the call parameters, or the return values.
  • the name of each variable in the structure.
Description and properties of a SOAP web service

Updating the description of a web service

As a web service evolves (fixes, new versions, etc.), its description may also evolve.
To update the description of a web service in your project:
  1. Select the web service in the "Project explorer" pane.
  2. Select "Update" in the context menu.
Remark: Webservices imported using the compatibility mechanism with previous versions cannot be updated.

Properties of a web service modifiable in the editor

To modify the properties of a web service in the editor:
  1. Select the web service in the "Project explorer" pane.
  2. Select "Description" in the context menu.
  3. The window of properties is displayed. The following properties can be modified in this window:
    • Webservice import address: this is the URL to the WSDL describing the web service.
    • The username and the password used to import the WSDL.
Using a SOAP web service


To use a web service:
  1. Declare 2 variables: one to specify call parameters, one to retrieve the response.
  2. Initialize each variable of the call structure.
    Important: the order of assignment of variables is used in the XML generated in the SOAP request. It is therefore necessary to assign the variables in the order specified in the documentation of the web service function.
  3. Call the web service function by passing the call variable as parameter and retrieve the response variable in return.
trackingSearch is trackSearch
trackingSearchRes is resultTrackSearch
trackingSearch.accountNumber = 99999999
trackingSearch.consigneesCountry = "FR"
trackingSearch.consigneesZipCode = "37100"
trackingSearch.sendersRef = "111111"
trackingSearchRes = TrackingServiceWSService.trackSearch(trackingSearch)

IF ErrorOccurred() THEN
	Trace("Web service call failed: " + ErrorInfo(errFullDetails))
	Trace("Web service successfully run")
In most cases, the result returned by the web service is in XML format. Therefore, the XML functions must be used to decode the response.

How to set values in the HTTP header of a SOAP web service call?

To set values in the HTTP header of a SOAP web service call:
  1. Declare a wsRequest variable.
  2. Use the HTTPHeader property to set the header values.
  3. Call the web service procedure by specifying the name of the wsRequest variable as the first parameter.
C is wsRequest
C.HTTPHeader["key"] = "Value"
// Call the web service procedure 
// passing the header and the expected parameters
WebServiceProc(C, param1_WS, param2_WS)
// Displays the request sent
Remark: On the server side, it is possible to retrieve the header using the WebserviceReadHTTPHeader function..

Asynchronous call to a SOAP web service

In some cases, the call to a web service may take too long. It may be necessary to make an asynchronous call to the web service, using the following syntax:
AFTER <Result> = <Web service call procedure> DO
<Code executed only if the web service has been executed and has sent the response>
<Code executed directly after the call to the web service>
Using this syntax, you can prevent the call to the web service from blocking the application. The program continues to run even if the web service has not yet responded.
The previous example becomes:
trackingSearch is trackSearch
trackingSearchRes is resultTrackSearch
trackingSearch.accountNumber = 99999999
trackingSearch.consigneesCountry = "FR"
trackingSearch.consigneesZipCode = "37100"
trackingSearch.sendersRef = "111111"

AFTER trackingSearchRes = TrackingServiceWSService.trackSearch(trackingSearch) DO
	IF ErrorOccurred() THEN
		Trace("Web service call failed: " + ErrorInfo(errFullDetails))
		Trace("Web service successfully run")

For more details, see AFTER statement.

SOAP web service properties

To manipulate a SOAP webservice programmatically, simply use the webservice name (available in the "Project Explorer" pane).
Remark: You can drag and drop the name of the web service directly from the "Project Explorer" pane into the code editor.
The following properties can be modified through programming:
NameType usedEffect
AddressCharacter stringUsed to replace the call address of web service described in the WSDL by another URL. This property is useful if the web service is hosted on different servers.
This property is of the form: "http://serveur:port/chemin_du_webservice".
For a web service generated with WINDEV and deployed on a WEBDEV Application Server, it is the URL of the "awws" file.
  • Changing this property overrides all the URLs described in the WSDL.
  • If this property matches an empty string (""), the URLs described in the WSDL will be used again.
WEBDEV - Server code Authentication
Integer constantUsed to force the HTTP authentication method:
  • auAutomatic (default): automatic authentication method.
  • auBasic: Basic authentication method.
  • auNegotiate: Negotiate authentication method.
    Linux Warning: this authentication method is not supported by Linux executables.
IgnoreErrorCombination of constantsUsed to ignore the certificate errors. the following constants can be used:
  • httpIgnoreCertificateInvalid Ignore an invalid certificate or one not issued by a known company.
  • httpIgnoreCertificateNameInvalid Allows you to ignore the site name in the certificate.
  • httpIgnoreCertificateExpired: Ignores the certificate date.
  • httpIgnoreRenvoiHTTP: Enables forwarding to an unsecured server.
  • httpIgnoreRenvoiHTTPS: Enables forwarding to a secure server.
  • httpIgnoreRévocation: Ignores the check in the list of revoked certificates.
    MethodHTTPInteger constantHTTP method used to call the web service:
    • httpPost (default value): POST method
    • httpPut: PUT method
    PasswordCharacter string or Secret stringPassword used for authentication in the HTTP requests sent to the web service. This name is used only if authentication is required to access the server where the web service is hosted.
    New in version 2025
    Secret strings: If you use the secret string vault, the type of secret string used for this parameter must be "Ansi or Unicode string".
    To learn more about secret strings and how to use the vault, see Secret string vault.
    PortCharacter stringName of the port defined in the WSDL. It is the port used to communicate with the server that hosts the web service. Contact your network manager or the owner of the web service.
    UserCharacter stringUsername used for authentication in the HTTP requests sent to the web service. This name is used only if authentication is required to access the server where the web service is hosted.
    With the Negotiate authentication method, the domain must be added to the user depending on the configuration:
    myWebservice..User = "DOMAIN\User"
    myWebservice..User = "User@DOMAIN"
    VersionHTTPInteger constantHTTP version used by the server:
    • httpVersion2: HTTP protocol version 2.0. If the server does not support this version, an older version is used.
    • httpVersion2Uniquement: HTTP protocol version 2.0 forced: if the server does not support this version, a fatal error is displayed..
    • httpVersion1_1: HTTP protocol version 1.1.
    • httpVersion1_0: HTTP Protocol Version 1.0.
    • httpVersionDefault: HTTP Protocol Version 1.0.

    • If a username and a password are specified, the authentication of the HTTP requests will be done by using the "Basic" authentication schema, in which the parameters are in readable format in the HTTP request. We recommend that you use HTTPS requests if the authentication is required.
    • If the server that hosts the web service requires a Windows authentication in HTTP, HTTPConfigure must be called before consuming the web service (in order to use Internet Explorer for the HTTP requests).
    • The maximum timeout can be specified with HTTPTimeOut.
    Caution: Properties that can be modified in the editor and properties that can be modified by programming are not related.

    Properties available on the types of variables

    The types of variables automatically declared when importing the WSDL propose several properties:
    NameType usedEffect
    • True if the type of variable exists in the web service response,
    • False otherwise.
    OccurrenceentierNumber of elements of this type in the web service response.
    A web service can return arrays of variables. The Count property allows you to get the size of the returned array and the [ ] operator allows you to access the elements of the array.
    TypeCharacter stringName of the variable type. This property is used when a web service is likely to return responses of different types.
    ValueVariantValue of the variable.
    Note: This property is accessed by default when only the variable name is used.. For example:
    myWebservice.RequestVariable = EDT_Value
    is equivalent to:
    myWebservice.RequestVariable..Value = EDT_Value

    Advanced operations of the XML stream of the web service

    In some cases, you may have to handle the XML data stream exchanged with the web service. For example, some web services require adding headers to their XML stream to enable authentication, or return metadata in the response headers.
    The following functions can be used to respond to these particular requests:
    SOAPAddAttributeDeclares the additional attributes (not found in the WSDL) on a web service variable automatically generated. It is used in advanced programming when the WSDL returned by the web service does not match the expected type.
    SOAPAddHeaderAdds custom headers into a call to a web service.
    SOAPGetHeaderReads the information contained in the header of a web service response.
    SOAPPrepareBuilds the web service request for a given function and parameters, but does not send it.

    Special case: the web service returns a result in a type not recognized by WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile

    The types of variables available in WINDEV and in a SOAP web service can be different.
    Simple types (boolean, integer, etc.) and complex types (datetime, duration, structures, arrays of simple types and array of structures, nested structures, etc.) used in the web service are automatically converted to WLanguage and vice versa, when the service is imported into a project. The Array types are also supported.
    The most evolved types (classes, advanced types of WLanguage, etc.) are processed as character strings in the WLanguage code. These strings contain the XML code corresponding to the type of variable returned by the web service and its contents.
    Therefore, if a web service returns a result as a class instance, this result will be processed in the procedure as a character string in XML format. Then, you will have to process this character string (in WLanguage) in order to extract the desired information. For more details, see the XML functions.
    • If the web service returns a structure, the names of the members of the return structure are case-sensitive.
    • If you are using a structure as parameter of a web service function and if a DATE member is not assigned, the following error will be displayed: "The 0000-00-00 value does not respect the XSD schema".
    Distributing a WINDEV application using a SOAP web service
    To distribute an application that uses a SOAP Webservice, simply integrate the file describing the Webservice (.wdsdl file) into the application library.
    For the application to run the SOAP webservice, the end-user workstation must have Internet access.
    Note Before distributing an application that uses a SOAP web service, it is advisable to check the license and use rights for this service (in the case of paid services).
    Related Examples:
    WD Webservice Client Training (WINDEV): WD Webservice Client
    [ + ] This example illustrates the use of WebServices.
    It explains how to retrieve, from a WebService, images according to keywords.
    This project is the client that connects to the "WD Webservice Server" WebService.
    WD Webservice Server Training (WINDEV): WD Webservice Server
    [ + ] This example illustrates the use of the WebServices.
    It explains how to create a WebService by providing some images according to keywords.
    This project is the WebService that is used th the WD Webservice Client project.
    Minimum version required
    • Version 9
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    Last update: 01/19/2025

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