Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / XML file functions
  • Handling elements in the XML code
  • Using XMLLast during a search
  • XML functions and threads
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Stored procedures
Positions on the first element (tag or attribute) in the current tree level.
In most cases, XMLFirst is used to position in the XML document in order to perform a read loop with XMLNext.
PHP The XML comments (enclosed in "<!-" and "-->" tags) are ignored.
AndroidAndroid Widget Java The browses are performed in alphabetical order of the attributes.
// Positions on the first element
WHILE XMLOut("XMLDoc") = False
        // Process the data
<Result> = XMLFirst(<XML document>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if an element was found,
  • False otherwise. If an error occurs:
    • the current position remains unchanged.
    • the ErrorOccurred variable is set to True. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
<XML document>: Character string
Name of the XML document used. This document contains the XML code to study and it was created by XMLDocument.

Handling elements in the XML code

After XMLFirst, the current element can be handled by XMLElementName, XMLParentName, XMLElementType and XMLData.

Using XMLLast during a search

If a search is in progress (XMLFind), XMLFirst cancels this search.

XML functions and threads

If your application uses threads, the XML document is shared between all these threads. For more details on threads, see Managing threads.
If the current position in an XML document is modified in a thread, the current position in this XML document is modified for all the threads.
Component: wd300xml.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/16/2022

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