| |
JSONToXML | Converts a JSON string to XML. |
TextToXML | Converts an ANSI string to an XML string. |
XMLAddAttribute | Adds an attribute into an XML document. |
XMLAddChild | Adds a child tag into an XML document. |
XMLBuildString | Retrieves and formats the content of an XML document (created by XMLDocument and modified by the XML functions). |
XMLCancelSearch | Cancels the search performed by XMLFind. |
XMLChild | Positions on the first child element of current element. |
XMLChildExist | Specifies whether the current tag has children corresponding to the sought type (tag, attribute, ...). |
XMLClose | Closes an XML document created by XMLDocument. |
XMLData | Returns the value of current element (tag or XML attribute) or the value of one of its attributes. |
XMLDelete | Deletes the current element (as well as the entire branch) from an XML document. |
XMLDocument | Creates a new XML document. |
XMLElementName | Returns the name of current element (tag or attribute). |
XMLElementType | Returns the type of current element (tag or attribute). |
XMLExecuteXPath | Executes an XPATH query: - in an XML document.
- in an xmlDocument variable.
XMLExtractDocument | Creates a new XML document from an existing XML document. |
XMLExtractString | Extracts the content of a tag found in an XML document. |
XMLFind | Performs a search in an XML document. |
XMLFindNamespaceByName | Finds an XML namespace according to its XML node and in the parents of the node. |
XMLFindNamespaceByURI | Finds an XML namespace from its URI (Universal Resource Identifier) in a node and in the parents of this node. |
XMLFirst | Positions on the first element (tag or attribute) in the current tree level. |
XMLFound | Checks whether the current element corresponds to the current browse or to the current search. |
XMLInsertDocument | Inserts the current XML tag found in an XML document into another XML document. |
XMLInsertElement | Inserts an XML element (tag or attribute) into an XML document. |
XMLLast | Positions on the last element (tag or attribute) of the current tree level. |
XMLModify | Modifies the content of the current element found in the XML document. |
XMLNamespace | Returns the prefix of the namespace associated with the current tag in an XML document. |
XMLNamespaceURI | Returns the URI of the namespace associated with the current tag in an XML document. |
XMLNext | Positionq on the next element (tag or attribute). |
XMLOpen | Loads an XML document from a file, a URL or a string into an xmlDocument variable. |
XMLOpenReader | Creates a reader used to read an XML document without loading it in memory. |
XMLOut | Used to find out whether the element (tag or attribute) on which we want to be positioned is outside the XML document. |
XMLParent | Positions on the parent element of current element (tag or attribute). |
XMLParentName | Returns the name of parent tag for the current element (tag or attribute). |
XMLPath | Returns the current position in the document in XPATH format. |
XMLPrevious | Positions on the previous element (tag or attribute). |
XMLRead | Returns the value of an XML element or the value of the attribute for an XML element. |
XMLRename | Renames the current element (tag or attribute) in an XML document. |
XMLRestorePosition | Restores the previously saved context of an XML document. |
XMLResult | Returns the result of a calculation XPath query. |
XMLRoot | Positions on the root tag of an XML document. |
XMLSave | Saves an XML document in a file. |
XMLSavePosition | Stores the current position in the XML document. |
XMLSign | Signs an XML document. |
XMLToJSON | Converts an XML string to JSON. |
XMLToText | Converts a character string in XML format into a standard character string. |
XMLValidDocument | Validates an XML document from an XSD schema. |
XMLValidNode | Validates an XML node, its children and its attributes from its description in the XSD schema linked to the XML document. |
XMLVerifySignature | Verifies the signature of an XML node. |
XMLWrite | Creates or modifies the value of an XML element or the value of the attribute for an XML element. |