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Stored procedures
Note: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (Functions for managing threads (prefix syntax)).
The following functions are used to manage threads:
CriticalSectionActivates a named critical section or variable in a USE ... IN instruction.
CriticalSectionEndMarks the end of a critical section: another thread will be able to run the code.
CriticalSectionStartMarks the beginning of a critical section: no other thread will be able to run the code as long as the current thread does not exit from the critical section.
EventChangeModifies the status of an event.
EventCloseCloses a synchronization event between several threads.
EventCreateCreates an event.
EventDestroyExplicitly destroys an event.
EventOpenOpens a synchronization event between several threads.
EventWaitLocks the current thread while waiting for the specified event to be opened.
ExecuteMainThreadTriggers the execution of the procedure specified in the main application thread.
ExecuteMainThreadAsynchronousExecutes a procedure in the main thread of the application without waiting for the end of its execution.
MutexCreateExplicitly creates a mutex.
MutexDestroyExplicitly destroys a mutex.
MutexEndSignals that the thread frees the mutex.
MutexStartLocks the current thread while waiting for the mutex to be freed.
SemaphoreCreateCreates a semaphore.
SemaphoreDestroyExplicitly destroys a semaphore.
SemaphoreEndAllows one or more threads to exit from the area protected by the semaphore.
SemaphoreStartLocks the current thread until the semaphore is opened (which means until a "free" spot becomes available in the protected section).
ThreadCurrentReturns the name of the thread currently run.
ThreadEndEnds the execution of the current thread.
ThreadExecuteStarts the execution of a secondary thread.
ThreadModeChanges the management mode of threads.
ThreadPausePauses the current thread during the specified duration.
ThreadPersistentMakes a thread persistent.
ThreadPriorityReturns or modifies the priority level of a thread.
ThreadRequestStopSends a stop request to a thread.
ThreadResumeResumes the execution of a thread that was interrupted by ThreadSuspend. Function not recommended.
ThreadSendSignalThe current thread sends a signal to the specified thread in order to unlock it.
ThreadStateReturns the current status of a thread.
ThreadStopStops a secondary thread. Function not recommended.
ThreadStopRequestedChecks if a stop request has been sent to the running thread.
ThreadSuspendTemporarily suspends the execution of the specified thread. Function not recommended.
ThreadWaitWaits for the end of the execution of the specified thread.
ThreadWaitSignalLocks the current thread until it receives a signal from another thread.
You also have the ability to use the following types of variables:
AutomaticEventThe AutomaticEvent type is used to manage an automatic event.
ManualEventThe ManualEvent type is used to manage a manual event.
Related Examples:
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[ + ] Using threads in an application:
- run a procedure in thread format
- stop a thread
- run a procedure that expects parameters in thread format
The threads Unit examples (WINDEV): The threads
[ + ] Using threads in an application:
- Run a procedure in thread format
- Stop a thread
- Run a procedure that expects parameters in thread format
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[ + ] Using threads:
- Running processes started in parallel
- Limiting the number of threads in execution at a given time
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This allows you to run a task in background task for example (backup, ...).
Threads are very useful in the industry: supervisor, applications with real-time process check, and so on …
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1/ How to connect to a socket
2/ How to accept a request for connection
3/ How to write or read on a socket
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
This example presents the different functions for socket management supplied with WINDEV. To use this example, a first instance of the example must be started in "server" mode. Then, by specifying the name of the computer that will be used as server and a nickname, you can connect to this application in "client" mode. You now have the ability to send messages to all the connected users. In this example, a thread and a socket are associated with each connection.
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A persistent thread run when the starting device is used to send the notifications.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/23/2024

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