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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Phone functions
  • Required configuration
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Stored procedures
tapiOrigin (Function)
In french: telOrigine
Identifies the origin of a call (incoming, outgoing, etc.).
<Result> = tapiOrigin([<Call identifier>])
<Result>: Integer constant
Origin of the call.
tapiOriginConferenceCall in conference mode (several people).
tapiOriginExternalCall coming from the outside.
The use of this variable depends on the type of device used, on the driver, ...
tapiOriginInboundIncoming call: communication coming from the outside.
The use of this variable depends on the type of device used, on the driver, ...
tapiOriginInternalCall internal to PABX
tapiOriginOutboundOutgoing call: communication toward the outside.
tapiOriginUnavailableThe origin of the call is not defined.
The use of this variable depends on the type of device used, on the driver, ...
tapiOriginUnknownThe origin of the call is not defined.
The use of this variable depends on the type of device used, on the driver, ...
<Call identifier>: Optional integer
Identifier of the call to be handled. This identifier is defined in the WLanguage procedure called by tapiListen.

Required configuration

Telephony functions use TAPI 2.0 technology and/or TAPI 3.1 technology. These technologies can be used on all systems.
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/13/2024

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