- Miscellaneous
- Examples of custom sorting procedures
ArraySort (Function) In french: TableauTrie Sorts a WLanguage array. The following sorts can be performed: - Sort a one-dimensional array of simple elements.
- Sort a two-dimensional array of simple elements according to one or more columns.
- Sort a one-dimensional array of classes or structures according to 1 or more members.
- Sort an array of records according to 1 or more items.
- Sort a one-dimensional array by specifying a comparison procedure.
Note: This function is equivalent to Sort.
MyArray is array of 2 int
MyArray[1] = 4
MyArray[2] = 1
ArraySort(MyArray, asAscending)
Trace(MyArray[1], MyArray[2])
ArraySort(MyArray, asAscending, 2)
ArraySort(MyArray, asColumn, "2;-3")
ArraySort(MyArray, asFunction, Compare)
INTERNAL PROCEDURE Compare(Element1, Element2)
IF Element1.Member < Element2.Member THEN RETURN -1
IF Element1.Member > Element2.Member THEN RETURN 1
Sorting a one-dimensional array of simple elements Hide the details
ArraySort(<WLanguage array> [, <Type of sort>])
<WLanguage array>: Array - Name of the Array variable to use. This array must be a one-dimensional array.
This array can also correspond to an array of simple elements of an advanced variable ("Group" array in the gglContact variables for example). - Name of the Associative Array variable to use.
The associative arrays cannot be sorted in this version.
<Type of sort>: Optional integer constant Type of sort to perform: | | asAscending (Default value) | Ascending sort.Case of an associative array: Sorting the elements of the associative array:- if the constant ttClé is specified: keys are sorted in ascending order. In case of equality between two keys, the values are sorted according to the ascending value if the values can be compared. If the values cannot be compared, the initial order is kept.
- if the constant ttKey is not specified Sorting is performed in ascending order of values. In case of equality between two values, the values are sorted according to the ascending key.
| asDescending | Descending sort.Case of an associative array: Sorting the elements of the associative array:- if the constant ttClé is specified: keys are sorted in descending order. In case of equality between two keys, the values are sorted according to the descending value if the values can be compared. If the values cannot be compared, the initial order is kept.
- if the constant ttKey is not specified Sorting is performed in descending order of values. In case of equality between two values, the values are sorted according to the descending key.
The sort type can be combined with one or more sort options: | | asKey | Associative array sorted according to the key order. If this constant is not specified, the associative array is sorted according to the order of values. This function is useful on the associative arrays only. | tccIgnoreAccent | Array sorted while ignoring the accented characters. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
| tccIgnoreCase | Array sorted while ignoring the case. This option is useful for arrays of strings. | tccIgnoreInsideSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters found inside the strings. This option is useful for arrays of strings. | tccIgnorePunctuationAndSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters and the punctuation characters. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
| tccIgnoreSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters found at the beginning and at the end of strings. This option is useful for arrays of strings. | tccLexicographicOrder | Array sorted according to the linguistic order. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
| tccRespectNumeric | Array sorted according to the order of numeric values. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
Sorting a two-dimensional array of simple elements according to one column Hide the details
ArraySort(<WLanguage array> [, <Type of sort>] , <Column>)
<WLanguage array>: Array Name of the Array variable to use. This array must be a two-dimensional array.This array can also correspond to a two-dimensional array of an advanced type (sort an xlsDocument variable according to the values of a column for example). <Type of sort>: Optional integer constant Type of sort to perform: | | asAscending (Default value) | Ascending sort | asDescending | Descending sort |
The sort type can be combined with one or more sort options: | | tccIgnoreAccent | Array sorted while ignoring the accented characters. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
| tccIgnoreCase | Array sorted while ignoring the case. This option is useful for arrays of strings. | tccIgnoreInsideSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters found inside the strings. This option is useful for arrays of strings. | tccIgnorePunctuationAndSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters and the punctuation characters. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
| tccIgnoreSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters found at the beginning and at the end of strings. This option is useful for arrays of strings. | tccLexicographicOrder | Array sorted according to the linguistic order. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
| tccRespectNumeric | Array sorted according to the order of numeric values. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
<Column>: Integer Index of column where the sort will be performed.
Sorting a two-dimensional array of simple elements according to several columns Hide the details
ArraySort(<WLanguage array> , <asColumn> , <Columns>)
<WLanguage array>: Array Name of the Array variable to use. This array must be a two-dimensional array.This array can also correspond to a two-dimensional array of an advanced type (sort performed on a variable of type xlsDocument according to the values of one or more columns for example). <asColumn>: Constant ttColonne: Constant used to sort an array of simple two-dimensional elements according to several columns.The asColumn constant can be combined with one or more sort options: | | tccIgnoreAccent | Array sorted while ignoring the accented characters. This option is applied to all the columns on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
| tccIgnoreCase | Array sorted while ignoring the case. This option is applied to all the columns on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for arrays of strings. | tccIgnoreInsideSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters found inside the strings. This option is applied to all the columns on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for arrays of strings. | tccIgnorePunctuationAndSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters and the punctuation characters. This option is applied to all the columns on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
| tccIgnoreSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters found at the beginning and at the end of strings. This option is applied to all the columns on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for arrays of strings. | tccLexicographicOrder | Array sorted according to the linguistic order. This option is applied to all the columns on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
| tccRespectNumeric | Array sorted according to the order of numeric values. This option is applied to all the columns on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for arrays of strings.
<Columns>: Character string List of columns in which the sort must be performed. The different columns must be separated by a semicolon. To specify the sort direction, the subscript of the column must be preceded by: - "+" (or nothing) for an ascending sort.
- "-" for a descending sort.
For example: "2;-3" to perform an ascending sort on the second column and a descending sort on the third column..
Sorting a one-dimensional array of classes, structures or records Hide the details
ArraySort(<WLanguage array> , <asMember> , <Members>)
<WLanguage array>: Array - Name of the Array variable to use. This array must be a one-dimensional array. This array can be:
- an array of classes,
- an array of structures,
- an array of advanced types,
- an array of records.
- Name of the Associative Array variable to use. This array can be:
- an associative array of classes,
- an associative array of structures,
- an associative array of advanced types,
The associative arrays cannot be sorted in this version. - an associative array of records.
<asMember>: Constant ttMember: Constant used to sort an array of classes, structures or one-dimensional records.Case of an associative array The elements of the associative array are sorted according to the order of the values of the specified members. In case of equality between two values, the values are sorted according to the ascending or descending key (according to the sort direction of the first member). The asMember constant can be combined with one or more sort options: | | tccIgnoreAccent | Array sorted while ignoring the accented characters. This options is applied to all the members on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for the "character string" members.
| tccIgnoreCase | Array sorted while ignoring the case. This options is applied to all the members on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for the "character string" members. | tccIgnoreInsideSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters found inside the strings. This options is applied to all the members on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for the "character string" members. | tccIgnorePunctuationAndSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters and the punctuation characters. This options is applied to all the members on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for the "character string" members.
| tccIgnoreSpace | Array sorted while ignoring the space characters found at the beginning and at the end of strings. This options is applied to all the members on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for the "character string" members. | tccLexicographicOrder | Array sorted according to the linguistic order. This options is applied to all the members on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for the "character string" members.
| tccRespectNumeric | Array sorted according to the order of numeric values. This options is applied to all the members on which the sort is performed. This option is useful for the "character string" members.
<Members>: Character string Name of members used as sort criteria. If the sort is performed on several members, their names must be separated by a semicolon. To specify the sort direction, the name of the member must be preceded by: - "+" (or nothing) for an ascending sort.
- "-" for a descending sort.
- "." or ":" to perform a sort on chained properties.
For example: - "Member1;-Member3" to perform an ascending sort on the Member1 member and a descending sort on the Member3 member. - "Source.URL" to perform a sort on the URL property of the Source property.
Sorting a one-dimensional array with a sort procedure Hide the details
ArraySort(<WLanguage array> , <asFunction> , <WLanguage sorting procedure>)
<WLanguage array>: Array - Name of the Array variable to use. This array must be a one-dimensional array. This array can be an array of advanced types.
- Name of the Associative Array variable to use.
The associative arrays cannot be sorted in this version.
<asFunction>: Constant ttFunction: Constant used to sort a one-dimensional array using a sorting procedure. <WLanguage sorting procedure>: Procedure name Name of the procedure used to sort the array elements. - Case of a one-dimensional array: WLanguage procedure of the form:
PROCEDURE MyProcedure(Element1, Element2) This procedure is automatically called by the sort mechanism to compare the elements between themselves, two by two. If the element 1 must be found before the element 2 in the sort order, the procedure must return -1. If the element 1 must be found after the element 2 in the sort order, the procedure must return 1. If element 1 and element 2 are identical, the procedure must return 0. - Case of an associative array: WLanguage procedure of the form:
PROCEDURE MyProcedure(Value1, Key1, Value2, Key2) This procedure is automatically called by the sort mechanism to compare the elements between themselves, two by two. The comparison can be performed in the sort procedure according to the values or according to the keys. If the element 1 must be found before the element 2 in the sort order, the procedure must return -1. If the element 1 must be found after the element 2 in the sort order, the procedure must return 1. If element 1 and element 2 are identical, the procedure must return 0.
Remarks Examples of custom sorting procedures Example of procedure used to compare 2 integers: PROCEDURE MyProcedure(nInt1, nInt2)
IF nInt1 > nInt2 THEN RETURN 1
IF nInt1 < nInt2 THEN RETURN -1
Example of a procedure used to compare two elements in an array of structures: PROCEDURE MyProcedure(stVar1, stVar2)
IF stVar1:nInt > stVar2:nInt THEN RETURN 1
IF stVar1:nInt < stVar2:nInt THEN RETURN -1
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