Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Sockets
  • Re-creating a socket
  • Creating a socket
  • IRDA protocol
  • Windows limit
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Stored procedures
SocketCreateInfrared (Function)
In french: SocketCréeInfraRouge
Creates a socket that uses the infrared port. A socket is a communication resource used by applications to communicate from one computer to another regardless of the type of network.
Remark: This function must be called on the server used for the communication. If the client computer uses a WINDEV application to connect to this socket, this application will have to use SocketConnectInfrared.
IF SocketCreateInfrared("Server", "Service") = False THEN
Error("Creation error" + ErrorInfo(errMessage))
<Result> = SocketCreateInfrared(<Socket name> , <Service name>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the function was successful,
  • False otherwise. If an error occurs, you can get more details on the error with ErrorInfo.
<Socket name>: Character string
Name that will be given to the socket. This name will be used by all socket functions.
<Service name>: Character string
Name that will be given to the service. This name will be used in SocketConnectInfrared.

Re-creating a socket

If a socket is not closed properly by SocketClose (restarting the computer for example), re-creating the socket may take quite a long time. Indeed, you will have to wait until the socket is freed by the system.

Creating a socket

To create a socket on a server, use SocketCreate.

IRDA protocol

SocketCreateInfrared uses the IRDA (Infrared Data Association) protocol.

Windows limit

The maximum number of infrared sockets used simultaneously cannot exceed 80.
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/21/2023

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