Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Communication / Sockets
  • Re-creating a socket
  • Re-using an address that is already used
  • Required permissions
  • Required application feature
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Stored procedures
Creates a socket. A socket is a communication resource used by applications to communicate from one computer to another regardless of the type of network.
  • This function must be called on the server used for the communication. If the client computer uses a WINDEV application to connect to this socket, this application will have to use SocketConnect.
  • SSL sockets: To create an SSL socket, use SocketCreateSSL.
  • UDP sockets: To create a UDP socket, use SocketCreateUDP.
IF SocketCreate("Server", 8000) = False THEN
Error("creation error" + ErrorInfo(errMessage))
<Result> = SocketCreate(<Socket name> , <Port number> [, <Address>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the function was successful,
  • False otherwise. If an error occurs, you can get more details on the error with ErrorInfo.
<Socket name>: Character string
Name that will be given to the socket. This name will be used by all socket functions. Caution: the socket name is case sensitive.
<Port number>: Integer
Port number that will be given to the socket. This number must be included between 1 and 65000. This number will be specified when the client computers are connected to the server.
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst You must be "root" to create a socket on a port less than or equal to 1024 (being "root" means being the user who has all the permissions on the system).
<Address>: Optional character string
IP address on which the socket must be created on the current computer. If the current computer is associated with several IP addresses (or with several network cards), this parameter enables you to choose the IP address that will be associated with the socket.
This IP address can have the following format:
  • IP address in XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX format ( for example).
  • IP address containing the name of the server ( for example). This syntax is recommended.

Re-creating a socket

If a socket is not closed properly by SocketClose (restarting the computer for example), re-creating the socket may take quite a long time. Indeed, you will have to wait until the socket is freed by the system.
iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst

Re-using an address that is already used

By default, SocketCreate allows you to reuse an address already used (by the application itself or by another application). To forbid this operating mode, type the following line of code:
Socket.Option = SocketNoReuseAddress
Remark: Therefore, this option allows you to find out whether an address or a port is already used. In this case, SocketCreate returns an error.
AndroidAndroid Widget

Required permissions

The call to this function modifies the permissions required by the application.
Required permission : INTERNET
This permission allows the applications to open the network sockets.
Universal Windows 10 App

Required application feature

When this function is used, an application feature is declared in the application generation wizard.
Required feature: Family and corporate networks
This feature allows the applications to use incoming and outgoing accesses to the family and corporate networks.
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 04/08/2024

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