ToClipboard (Function) In french: VersPressePapier
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Writes text or image information into the system clipboard.
Texte is string
Res is int
Res = ToClipboard(Texte)
IF Res = False THEN
Error("Erreur lors de l'écriture dans le presse-papiers")
Writing a text into the clipboard Hide the details
<Result> = ToClipboard(<Text>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the text was copied to the clipboard,
- False otherwise.
<Text>: Character string Text that will be written into the clipboard. Remarks - ToClipboard can be used to manage the cut/copy/paste feature for text or image information (BMP).
- Clipboard is used to read the contents of the clipboard. Clipboard cannot be used to read any type of information other than text or image (e.g., binary, etc.) in the clipboard.
- ToClipboardRTF and ClipboardRTF are used to manage information in RTF.
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Unit examples (WINDEV): The TableTo functions
[ + ] Exporting table data with the WLanguage functions. The following topics are presented in this example: 1/ interfacing with Word and Excel 2/ sending data to the clipboard 3/ generating a text file This example explains how to export the content of a table to a Word document, an Excel workbook, the clipboard or a text file via the following WLanguage functions: TableToWord, TableToExcel, ToClipboard, TableToText.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
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