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Help / WEBDEV administrator / Remote WEBDEV administrator
  • Error messages of Application Server
  • Customizing the error messages of a WEBDEV website
  • List of error messages
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Error messages of Application Server
By default, when an error occurs in a dynamic WEBDEV site, an error message is displayed in the browser of the Web user. This message includes:
  • of an identifier: for example: ERR_MAX_CONNECTION (14)
  • of a message: for example: The connection is refused because the maximum number of authorized connections (300) has been reached.. Retry later.
  • an HTML page where the error message is displayed.
The remote administration tool allows you to easily customize the different errors that can be displayed by your site. The page used to display the error must be customized during the development of the dynamic WEBDEV website.

Customizing the error messages of a WEBDEV website

To customize the error messages of a WEBDEV website:
  1. Click the "Sites" link found in the menu bar.
  2. Select the site to configure.
  3. Click .
  4. Select the error identifier: the current label for this error is displayed.

    Note: For an explanation of the various default error messages, see Error messages.
  5. You can:
    • Customize the error message:
      All you have to do is enter the new message in the text area and click the "Apply" button.
      Remark: In some messages, specific tags are used. Depending on the context, these tags are replaced with a name, a number, ...
      We recommend that you keep these tags.
      For example: The { RECONNECT } tag enables automatic reconnection to the application when an error message is displayed.. We recommend that you keep this tag when customizing the message.
    • Restore the default error message:
      The custom error message will be replaced with the default error message. All you have to do is click the "Default" button.
  6. The modification is immediately taken into account.
Remark: The same operations can be performed for web services ("Webservices" menu option)..
List of error messages
The different error messages that can be displayed by a dynamic WEBDEV website are as follows
1,ERR_MISSING_PAGEThe request is incomplete. It contains no information about the context.
4,ERR_BUTTON_EXPECTEDThe request is invalid. The action to perform is missing.
5,ERR_NO_CURRENT_PAGEThe site did not work properly because no page was returned.
6,ERR_PARSERSyntax error in the file
7,ERR_BAD_ACTIONThe special action named <ACTIONNAME> is unknown.
8,ERR_NO_PAGEYou want to work on the <PAGE_NAME> page. It does not exist or it is hidden...
9,ERR_BAD_PARAMETERThe <COMMAND_NAME> command does not contain the proper parameters.
10,ERR_BAD_FILEThe <FILE_NAME> file cannot be opened (and therefore returned)
11,ERR_WDADMIN_EXISTThe WEBDEV administrator was already started. A single one is allowed on each computer.
12,ERR_NO_WDADMINThe management program of WEBDEV was not started.
13,ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORYInsufficient memory to perform the operation.|
14,ERR_MAX_CONNECTIONThe connection is refused because the maximum number of connections (<NB_CONNECTION>) has been reached. Retry later.
15,ERR_BAD_COMMANDLINEThe command line passed to the engine is invalid...
17,ERR_BAD_CONFIGThe configuration of the <APPLICATION_NAME> site is incorrect for the <VALUE_NAME> value
18,ERR_BAD_WEBDEV_CONFIGWrong overall WEBDEV configuration. The <KEY_NAME> key is missing or invalid.
19,ERR_BAD_CONTEXTThe context to which this request refers (<CONTEXT_NAME>) does not exist (or does not exist anymore). You may have been disconnected.
20,ERR_BAD_URLThe <URL_NAME> URL is not valid.
22,ERR_TIMEOUT_REQUESTThe request did not answer within the timeout (<TIMEOUT> seconds)."
23,ERR_SESSION_CLOSEDYou have been logged out.
24,ERR_CLOSED_PAGEThe request refers to the <PAGE_NAME> page that does not exist anymore. (it may have been closed by the process).
25,ERR_MSG_BOXThe application has generated the following error message:...
26,ERR_BAD_SERIAL_NUMBERThe serial number is invalid.
28,ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILEThe HTML file named <FILE_NAME> cannot be opened.
30,ERR_NO_PROJECTThe <PROJECT_NAME> project does not exist (neither in WWP nor in WDL). Check the configuration for this project.
32,ERR_NO_APPLICATIONThe <NOM_APPLICATION> site is unknown: it has not been configured for WEBDEV.
33,ERR_BAD_DLLEXEThe <DLL_NAME> DLL is not compatible with this WEBDEV version.
34,ERR_NO_DLLEXEUnable to load the <DLL_NAME> DLL.
35,ERR_CANNOT_LAUNCHThe engine was not started for the following reason:...
37,ERR_NO_TABLEThe <COMMAND_NAME> command only operates wit the tables and <CONTROL_NAME> is not a table.
38,ERR_ALREADYCONNECTEDThe connection is refused because you are already connected to this application. ...
39,ERR_NOTACTIVATEDThe module has not been enabled. It must be reinstalled
40,ERR_NOTAVAILABLEThis command is available in development mode only
41,ERR_NOTADEVVERSIONThis version cannot be used in development
42,ERR_LOADMOREDLLThe user component cannot be loaded
43,ERR_TIMEOUTINITThe engine was not initialized within the timeout.
46,ERR_UPDATING_SERVERThe server is currently updated. Retry later.
47,ERR_TEST_WWPThe test mode cannot operate without the project and its pages
48,ERR_SYNCHRONIZATIONThe requested action could not be performed: the page was not in phase.
49,ERR_BAD_APPLICATIONThe site is not allowed to be used with this version of WEBDEV
50,ERR_NO_END_TAGSyntax error in the <FILE_NAME> file. The end tag for the <NAME_HTML_TAG> tag is missing
51, ERR_LAUNCH_FAILEDError while starting the site
52, ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_TMPUnable to create temporary file ... Test aborted.
53, ERR_CANNOT_RUN_EXPLORERUnable to launch site associated with .htm, File: %s, Code: %d
54, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT_INVALIDThe context to which this request refers (%d) is unknown. . <BR>The server may have been restarted since your last request.
55, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT_INTERNALInternal error: Invalid context (%d). (status = %d)
56, ERR_DISCONNECTED_BY_ADMINYou have been manually disconnected by the WEBDEV administrator. {RECONNECT}
57, ERR_DISCONNECTED_TIMEOUTYou have been disconnected because your last request is too old (timeout = %d sec) {RECONNECT}
58, ERR_DISCONNECTED_RELOGThe context to which this request refers is not valid anymore, it was replaced with a new context during your last connection to the site {RECONNECT}
59, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT_FOUNDThe context to which this request refers (%d) is invalid (your session ended for an unknown reason). {RECONNECT}
60, ERR_DISCONNECTED_ERRORThis session was ended further to the following error:
61, ERR_DISCONNECTED_EXECThe session does not exist anymore<BR> (you have exited from it or it was ended normally') {RECONNECT}
62, ERR_BAD_VERSION_RQSInvalid version number of dialog structure.<BR>This problem comes from a mix of incompatible versions of WD300Session/WD300Awp/WD300Admin.<BR> To correct it, re-install WEBDEV
63, ERR_DISCONNECTED_UPDATEYou have been disconnected because the site was updated on the server. {RECONNECT}
64, ERR_FORBIDDEN_UPDATEWEBDEV is configured to forbid the remote update.
65, ERR_FORBIDDEN_INSTALLWEBDEV is configured to forbid the remote setup.
Minimum version required
  • Version 7
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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