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The AJAX technology is available in native mode in WEBDEV and in the PHP sites developed with WEBDEV.
What is AJAX and what are its advantages?
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is used to refresh the data modified in an HTML page without having to redisplay the entire page. For example, if some elements in the page displayed (content of the cart, characteristics of a product, list of cities, map, etc.) are modified, only these elements will be refreshed. The server will not have to send the entire page to the user's computer.
This technology presents several benefits:
  • the server is less used. Therefore, it can support a larger number of simultaneous connections.
  • the information that circulates is less bulky.
  • the transmission time is shorted.
  • the user sees information immediately and without undesired visual effects.
AJAX can be used at two different levels in a WEBDEV site:
  • Automatic AJAX: a simple click allows you to access the AJAX features. The code remains the same.
  • AJAX programming: functions for AJAX management allow you to write complex processes.
Remarks: AJAXAvailable is used to determine if the current browser supports AJAX technology. If a process that uses AJAX is run on a browser that does not support this technology, the process is run "as if" it did not use AJAX (e.g., the entire page is refreshed).
Related Examples:
WW_Forum_AWP Complete examples (WEBDEV): WW_Forum_AWP
[ + ] This example proposes the main features of a user forum (creation of forums, topics and messages, moderator, search, etc.).

Some of the features used by WW_FORUM_AWP:
- Full-text search
- Rich controls
- Loopers
- POPUP pages
- ...
WW_Schedule Complete examples (WEBDEV): WW_Schedule
[ + ] This example is used to dynamically display the tasks of the different contributors.
You have the ability to add, modify or delete tasks by clicking the schedule elements.
All the operations are performed via AJAX.
This example is also used to move a control by programming.
WW_Forum_PHP Complete examples (WEBDEV): WW_Forum_PHP
[ + ] This example proposes the main features of a user forum (creation of forums, topics and messages, moderator, search, etc.)

Some of the features used by WW_FORUM_PHP:
- Rich control
The Ajax Indicator control Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Ajax Indicator control
[ + ] This example explains how to use the "Ajax Indicator" control of WEBDEV.
This control allows you to display a progress bar for a server process.
The Ajax Table control Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Ajax Table control
[ + ] This example explains how to use the Ajax tables. This example allows you to:
- Access the content of a table element in browser code
- Clear the table
- Fill the table
- Select a row
- Sort the table
- Delete the selected row
The Ajax Table control in PHP Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Ajax Table control in PHP
[ + ] This example explains how to use the Ajax tables in PHP.
The following topics are explained:
- Access the content of a table element in browser code (using the AjaxExecuteAsynchronous function)
- Delete the table content
- Fill the table
- Select a row
- Delete a row
The Ajax Looper control Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Ajax Looper control
[ + ] This example explains how to use the Ajax looper. This example allows you to:
- Clear the looper
- Fill the looper
- Sort the looper
The Ajax Looper control in PHP Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Ajax Looper control in PHP
[ + ] This example presents the use of Ajax loopers in PHP.
This example allows you to:
- Clear the looper
- Fill the looper
- Sort the looper
Minimum version required
  • Version 10
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Last update: 06/23/2023

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