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Stored procedures
The MCI functions are as follows:
MCIBeginningPositions at the beginning of a media file that was opened beforehand MCIOpen.
MCICloseCloses a media file.
MCIEndPositions at the end of a media file that was opened beforehand MCIOpen.
MCIErrReturns the number of the last error caused by a MCI function (Media Control Interface).
MCIExecuteRuns an MCI command (Media Control Interface).
MCIHeightReturns the height (in pixels) of a media file used to display images.
MCIMsgErrReturns the text of last error caused by a MCI function (Media Control Interface).
MCIOpenOpens a media file.
MCIPausePauses playback of the media file previously opened (MCIOpen).
MCIPlayPlays a media file.
MCIPositionReturns or changes the current position in a media file previously opened (MCIOpen).
MCIPositionFormatFixes the format used to define the position in a media file (opened by MCIOpen).
MCIRetrieveReturns the last result of the MCI command run by MCIExecute.
MCISizeReturns or changes the size of a media file previously opened (MCIOpen).
MCIStatusReturns the status of a media file that was opened beforehand MCIOpen.
MCIStopPlayingStops the execution of a media file that was opened beforehand (MCIOpen).
MCITrackReturns the current track of a media file previously opened (MCIOpen).
MCITrackCountReturns the number of tracks found in a media file that was opened beforehand (MCIOpen).
MCIVolumeModifies or returns the sound volume.
MCIWidthReturns the width (in pixels) of a media file used to display images.
MCIWindowSizeChanges the size and position of the display window of a media file previously opened (MCIOpen).
Related Examples:
Play a sound Unit examples (WINDEV): Play a sound
[ + ] Using sound from a WINDEV application:
- Play a sound
- Pause the sound
- Stopping the video
- Modify the volume
Play a video Unit examples (WINDEV): Play a video
[ + ] Playing a video from a WINDEV application:
- Load a video
- Playing a video
- Pause a video
- Stop a video
The MCI functions Unit examples (WINDEV): The MCI functions
[ + ] Using the WLanguage MCI functions.
These functions are used to record and play sounds.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ how to create and save a sound file with WINDEV
2/ how to read a sound file with WINDEV.

This example presents the features of a tape recorder.
It is used to record a sound in "wav" format and to play it back.
You can give the users the ability to record alert sound messages or reports (medicine, management,…).
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/13/2024

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