FinInterestRate (Function) In french: FinTauxIntérêt Calculates the interest rate for a loan over a specific period of time with fixed payments. Remark: The interest rate obtained is assumed to be constant over the period.
ResTauxIntérêt = FinInterestRate(6, -5000, 25000)
<Result> = FinInterestRate(<Number of Necessary Payments> [, <Payment Value> [, <Capital>]])
<Result>: Real or currency Interest rate sought. <Number of Necessary Payments>: Real or currency Total number of payments that must be done. <Payment Value>: Optional real Value of payment (0 by default). This value must be negative. <Capital>: Optional real or currency Amount of loan (1 by default). Remarks Caution: FinInterestRate function does not return an error code. To determine if this function has generated errors, use FinError. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
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