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Stored procedures
FinPeriodInterest (Function)
In french: FinIntérêtPériode
Calculates for a given period the amount of interests due for a loan paid off by fixed periodic payments with a fixed interest rate.
// Amount of interests due for the second year of a loan.
// This is a loan of $25000 with a 5% interest rate over 6 years.
ResInterestPeriod = FinPeriodInterest(25000, 5, 2, 6)
<Result> = FinPeriodInterest([<Capital> [, <Rate> [, <Period> [, <Duration>]]]])
<Result>: Real or currency
Amount of interests. This amount can be:
  • negative: a payment must be made;
  • positive: a credit must be made.
<Capital>: Optional real or currency
Amount of the loan (0 by default).
<Rate>: Optional real
Interest rate, expressed in percentage (1 by default). For example, for a 5% rate, this parameter will be set to 5.
<Period>: Optional integer
Period over which the amount of interests must be calculated (1 by default).
<Duration>: Optional real
Number of periods for the loan (1 by default).

Time unit

The calculations can be performed according to months or years. <Rate>, <Duration> and <Period> must correspond to the same unit.
Therefore, to get the amount of interests due on the 5th month of a 3-year loan, with a yearly interest rate of 5%, you can use:
  • units expressed in months (for a monthly payment for example):
    • <Duration> = 3 x 12 months = 36
    • <Period> = 5
    • <Rate> = 5% / 12
  • units expressed in years (for a yearly payment for example):
    • <Duration> = 3 years
    • <Period> = 5/36
    • <Rate> = 5%

Managing errors

Caution: FinPeriodInterest returns no error code. To determine if this function has generated errors, use FinError. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo with the errMessage constant.
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- calculate the amount of the monthly repayments from the amount borrowed
- calculate the amount that can be borrowed from a given monthly repayment
- calculate the income of an investment from a monthly payment

For each case, you have the ability to view the amortization table corresponding to your parameters.
The Financial functions Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The Financial functions
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Component: wd300mat.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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