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Stored procedures
From version 28, iZoneHeight is kept for backward compatibility. This function has been replaced with iAreaHeight.
Calculates the height of a fixed-width area required to print the entire text that uses the current font.
Remark: This function must not be used in the "Open" event of the report.
// Selects a font
// Retrieves the height of the column
dHeight is real = iAreaHeight("My Text", 100)
// Draws a border
iBorder(0, 0, dHeight*2, 200)
<Result> = iAreaHeight(<Text> , <Area width> [, <Type> [, <Beginning> [, <End>]]])
<Result>: Real
Height of the area (in millimeters) allowing to entire text to be printed.
<Text>: Character string
Text to print. This text can be in RTF or HTML. This string must be encoded using UTF-8. If necessary, use StringToUTF8 to perform the conversion.
<Area width>: Real
Width of area (in millimeters).
<Type>: Optional constant
Type of text to print:
iHTMLText in HTML format.
LinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppAndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
iMarkdownMarkdown text.
Universal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
AndroidAndroid Widget This constant is available only for reports. For print jobs set programmatically, this constant is not available.
iRTFText in RTF.
Universal Windows 10 AppAndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
(default value)
Normal text.

Java This parameter will be ignored. The text is always of normal type.
<Beginning>: Optional integer
Index of the first <Text> character to print. If this parameter is not specified, the first character of the string is used.
<End>: Optional integer
Index of the last <Text> character to print. If this parameter is not specified, the last character of the string is used.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300prn.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/21/2023

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