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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Print functions
  • Printing a justified RTF text
  • Printing RTF with page breaks
  • Printing RTF
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From version 28, iPrintZoneRTF is kept for backward compatibility. This function has been replaced with iPrintAreaRTF.
Prints rich text format (RTF) in a rectangular area. The print job is not started (only iEndPrinting can be used to start the print job).
iPrintAreaRTF(TexteRTF, 0, 0, dHauteur, 200)
<Result> = iPrintAreaRTF(<RTF text> , <X1> , <Y1> , <X2> , <Y2> [, <Start> [, <End>]])
<Result>: Integer
Index of the last RTF element printed in the rectangular area (WINDEV/WEBDEV specific count).
<RTF text>: Character string
RTF string that will be printed in a specific area.
<X1>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the print area (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y1>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the print area (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<X2>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the lower-right corner of the print area (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y2>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the lower-right corner of the print area (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<Start>: Optional integer
Index of the first character in the <RTF text> to print. If this parameter is not specified, the <RTF text> is printed from the first character.
<End>: Optional integer
Index of the last character in the <RTF text> to print. If this parameter is not specified, the <RTF text> is printed up to the last character.

Printing a justified RTF text

To print a text with iPrintAreaRTF while keeping its justification, iParameter must be previously used as follows:
If the parameters used to divide RTF text are used (<Start> and <End>), the text justification text will be stored.

Printing RTF with page breaks

The following code prints RTF containing programmed page breaks:
// Affiche le visualisateur de rapports
// Conversion du texte
sTexte is string = RTFVersTexte(SAI_SaisieTexte)
// Taille du texte
nTailleTexte is int = Taille(sTexte)
// Suppression du nombre de sauts de page à la taille du texte
nTailleTexte -= StringCount(sTexte, Charact(12))
// Le RC doit correspondre à un seul caractères
nTailleTexte -= StringCount(sTexte, Charact(13))

// Boucle sur toutes les pages
nDébut is int
nTaille is int = -1
	// Imprime la page
	nDébut = nTaille + 1
	nTaille = iPrintAreaRTF(SAI_SaisieTexte, 0, 0, iPageWidth(), iPageHeight(), nDébut, -1)
	// Saute la page si il reste des pages
	IF nTaille < nTailleTexte AND nTaille > nDébut THEN 
TO DO WHILE nTaille < nTailleTexte AND nTaille > nDébut 
// Fin de l'impression

Printing RTF

To use iPrintAreaRTF, the "RICHED20.DLL" file must be on the current computer.
In most cases, the "RICHED20.DLL" file is in the Windows system directory.
Component: wd300prn.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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