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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Print functions
  • Modifying print parameters using constants
  • Reinitializing the print module
  • Number of copies
  • Custom paper format
  • Miscellaneous
  • iConfigure and iParameter
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Retrieves the configuration of the printer and configures the print. To configure the print:
  • via the print settings window. These include print quality, number of copies, etc.
    If the information is validated by the user, the changes are performed for the current application only.
  • configure the print characteristics (quality, number of copies, ...) without opening the configuration window.
    By default, the setting is valid until the next call to iParameter or to iReset (in this last case, the default Windows settings will be used during the next print).
    To save the parameters modified by iParameter so that they become the default parameters of Windows, use iParameter associated with the iPrinterDefault constant.
Calling iConfigure after iParameter resets the print module and all its settings.
Reports and Queries
// Impression en mode portrait
iParameter(iOrientation, iOrientation_Portrait)
// Modifier la hauteur de la page
iParameter(iPaperHeight, 2000)
// Modifier le nombre de copie
iParameter(iCopies, 2)
// Modifie le mode d'assemblage
iParameter(iCollate, True)
Reports and Queries
// L'utilisateur configure l'imprimante
// Affichage des paramètres de l'imprimante
Trace("Orientation = " + iParameter(iOrientation))
Trace("FormatPapier = " + iParameter(iPaperSize))
Trace("HauteurPage = " + iParameter(iPaperHeight))
Trace("LargeurPage = " + iParameter(iPaperWidth))
Trace("NbCopie = " + iParameter(iCopies))
Trace("AlimentationPapier = " + iParameter(iPaperSource))
Trace("ResolutionY = " + iParameter(iYResolution))
Trace("Couleur = " + iParameter(iColor))
Trace("Assemble = " + iParameter(iCollate))
ParamètresSpécifiques is Buffer = iParamètre(iExtraParameters)
Trace("Taille Spécifique = " + Length(ParamètresSpécifiques))
Trace("Spécifique = " + ParamètresSpécifiques)
Reports and Queries

Opening the standard window for configuring the print Hide the details

<Result> = iParameter()
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the information typed in the configuration window was validated by the user,
  • False if the user has not validated the information entered in the validation window.

Retrieving the print parameters Hide the details

<Result> = iParameter(<Parameter to retrieve>)
<Result>: Type of parameter to retrieve (constant, integer, boolean, character string)
Value of the desired parameter for the current printer.
<Parameter to retrieve>: Constant
Specifies the parameter to retrieve from the current printer configuration. The result will depend on the parameter retrieved.
iCollateDefines how the pages are collated. If this parameter is used, <Result> is a boolean that can hold one of the following values:
  • True if pages are collated (print pages 1, 2, 3 etc. of the first set, then pages 1, 2, 3, etc. of the second set, etc.).
  • False if pages are not collated (print first pages, then second pages, etc.). Warning: This option uses a high amount of memory.
iColorUsed to find out the management mode of colors. If this parameter is used, <Result> can take one of the following constants:
  • iColor_Color: Color printing
  • iColor_Mono: Grayscale printing
iCopiesAllows you to find out the number of copies by default. In this case, <Result> is an integer. If this parameter is used, <Result> corresponds to a buffer.
iDuplexUsed to find out the parameters for duplex printing. If this parameter is used, <Result> can take one of the following constants:
  • iDuplex_Horizontal: Horizontal duplex mode
  • iDuplex_Simple: Single-sided mode
  • iDuplex_Vertical: Vertical duplex mode
iExtraParametersUsed to find out the parameters specific to the printer (if the printer is also a scanner for example).
iFormatCustomPaperAllows you to find out the size of custom paper used. The size is specified by the height and width. In this case, <Result> corresponds to a string.
iMediaTypeAllows you to know the type of media used for the printout. If this parameter is used, <Result> can take one of the following constants:
  • iMediaType_TransparentFilm: Print on transparent film.
  • iMediaType_GlossyPaper: Print on glossy paper.
  • iMediaType_PlainPaper: Print on plain paper.
iOrientationAllows you to find out the paper orientation. If this parameter is used, <Result> can take one of the following constants:
  • iOrientation_Landscape: Landscape orientation
  • iOrientation_Portrait: Portrait orientation
iPaperHeightAllows you to find out the height of paper used (in tenth of millimeter). In this case, <Result> is an integer.
iPaperSizeAllows you to find out the paper format used. If this parameter is used, <Result> can take one of the following constants:
  • iPaperSize_10x14: 10 x 14 inches
  • iPaperSize_11x17: 11 x 17 inches
  • iPaperSize_A3: A3 paper (297 x 420 mm)
  • iPaperSize_A4: A4 paper (210 x 297 mm)
  • iPaperSize_A4Small: Small A4 paper (210 x 297 mm)
  • iPaperSize_A5: A5 (148 x 210 mm)
  • iPaperSize_GermanSTD: Fanfold paper (8.5 x 12 inches)
  • iPaperSize_GermanLGL: Fanfold paper (8.5 x 13 inches)
  • iPaperSize_B4: B4 paper (250 x 354 mm)
  • iPaperSize_B5: B5 paper (182 x 257 mm)
  • iPaperSize_FanfoldUS: Fanfold paper (14.875 x 11 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope9: Envelope #9 (3.875 x 8.875 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope10: Envelope #10 (4.125 x 9.5 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope11: Envelope #11 (4.5 x 10.375 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope12: Envelope #12 (4.5 x 4.5 x 11 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope14: Envelope #14 (5 x 11.5 inches)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeB4: B4 envelope (250 x 353 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeB5: B5 envelope (176 x 250 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeB6: B6 envelope (176 x 125 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC3: C3 envelope (324 x 458 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC4: C4 envelope (229 x 324 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC5: C5 envelope (162 x 229 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC6: C6 envelope (114 x 162 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC65: C65 envelope (114 x 229 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeDL: DL envelope (110 x 220 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeItaly: 229 x 324 mm envelope
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeMonarch: 3.875 x 7.5 inch envelope
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopePerso: 3.625 x 6.5 inch envelope
  • iPaperSize_Executive: 7.5 x 10.5 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Folio: 8.5 x 13 inch paper
  • iPaperSize__Ledger: 17 x 11 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Legal: 8.5 x 14 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_LetterSmall: 8.5 x 11 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Letter: 8.5 x 11 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Note: 8.5 x 11 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Quarto: 215 x 275 mm paper
  • iPaperSize_Statement: 5.5 x 8.5 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Tabloid: 11 x 17 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_CSheet: C paper size
  • iPaperSize_DSheet: D paper size
  • iPaperSize_ESheet: E paper size
iPaperSourceDefines the paper source for the printer. If this parameter is used, <Result> can take one of the following constants:
  • iPaperSource_Auto: Automatic feeder
  • iPaperSource_Lower: Bottom feeder
  • iPaperSource_Cassette: Cassette feeding unit
  • iPaperSource_Envelope: Envelope
  • iPaperSource_EnvelopeManual: Manual envelope feed
  • iPaperSource_LargeCapacity: High-capacity paper feeder
  • iPaperSource_LargeFormat: Large format paper feeder
  • iPaperSource_Upper: Top feeder
  • iPaperSource_Manual: Manual paper feed
  • iPaperSource_Middle: Middle feeder
  • iPaperSource_SmallFormat: Small format paper feeder
  • iPaperSource_Tractor: Tractor paper feed
  • iPaperSource_OnlyOne: Single sheet feed
iPaperWidthAllows you to find out the width of paper used (in tenth of millimeter). In this case, <Result> is an integer.

iQualityUsed to find out the parameters for print quality. If this parameter is used, <Result> can take one of the following constants:
  • iQuality_Low: Low quality
  • iQuality_Draft: Draft mode
  • iQuality_High: High quality
  • iQuality_Medium: Medium qualityThe quality of the print can also correspond to the print resolution (300, 600, 1200 or 1600 depending on the printer).

iRTFWithImagesAndTablesAllows you to find out whether the print uses the optimized mode for managing the images and tables in the RTF controls found in the reports. If this parameter is used, <Result> is a boolean:
  • True if the printout uses the optimized image and array management mode in RTF report fields.
  • False otherwise.
iScaleAllows you to find out the scale used during the print. In this case, <Result> corresponds to an integer.
iTrueTypeAllows you to find out the printing parameters for TrueType fonts. If this parameter is used, <Result> can take one of the following constants:
  • iTrueType_Bitmap: TrueType font as bitmap
  • iTrueType_Download: Downloaded TrueType font
  • iTrueType_Subdev: Substitute device font
iYResolutionUsed to find out the vertical resolution (in dots per inch). If this parameter is used, <Result> is an integer.

Modifying the print parameters Hide the details

<Result> = iParameter(<Parameter to modify> , <Parameter value>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the modification was performed,
  • False if a problem occurred (parameter not recognized).
<Parameter to modify>: Constant
Specifies the parameter to retrieve from the current printer configuration. The result will depend on the parameter retrieved.
iCollateUsed to modify how the pages are collated. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> is a boolean that can take for value:
  • True if pages are collated (print pages 1, 2, 3 etc. of the first set, then pages 1, 2, 3, etc. of the second set, etc.).
  • False if pages are not collated (print first pages, then second pages, etc.). Warning: This option uses a high amount of memory.
iColorUsed to modify the management mode of colors. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> can take one of the following constants for value:
  • iColor_Color: Color printing
  • iColor_Mono: Grayscale printing
iCopiesUsed to modify the number of copies by default. In this case, <Parameter value> is an integer.
iDrawTextMultiplatformUsed to change the print algorithm used for printing PDF files. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> is a boolean that can take for value:
  • True to use the default PDF print algorithm used in Android. In this case, the limitations are as follows:
    • Reports cannot contain edit controls.
    • It is not possible to manage the orientation of captions.
  • False to use the standard PDF print algorithm.
iDuplexUsed to modify the parameters for printing in duplex mode. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> can take one of the following constants for value:
  • iDuplex_Horizontal: Horizontal duplex mode
  • iDuplex_Simple: Single-sided mode
  • iDuplex_Vertical: Vertical duplex mode
iExtraParametersUsed to modify the parameters specific to a printer (if the printer is also a scanner for example). If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> must be a buffer.
iFormatCustomPaperAllows you to modify the size of custom paper used. The size is specified by the height and width. In this case, <Parameter value> corresponds to a string.
iMediaTypeAllows you to change the type of media used for the printout. If this parameter is used, <Result> can take one of the following constants:
  • iMediaType_TransparentFilm: Print on transparent film.
  • iMediaType_GlossyPaper: Print on glossy paper.
  • iMediaType_PlainPaper: Print on plain paper
iOrientationUsed to modify the paper orientation. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> can take one of the following constants for value:
  • iOrientation_Landscape: Landscape orientation
  • iOrientation_Portrait: Portrait orientation
This parameter is ignored when printing in PCL format.
iPaperHeightAllows you to modify the height of paper used (in tenth of millimeter). In this case, <Parameter value> is an integer.
iPaperSizeAllows you to modify the size of paper used. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> can take one of the following constants for value:
  • iPaperSize_10x14: 10 x 14 inches
  • iPaperSize_11x17: 11 x 17 inches
  • iPaperSize_A3: A3 paper (297 x 420 mm)
  • iPaperSize_A4: A4 paper (210 x 297 mm)
  • iPaperSize_A4Small: Small A4 paper (210 x 297 mm)
  • iPaperSize_A5: A5 (148 x 210 mm)
  • iPaperSize_GermanSTD: Fanfold paper (8.5 x 12 inches)
  • iPaperSize_GermanLGL: Fanfold paper (8.5 x 13 inches)
iPaperSize_B4: B4 paper (250 x 354 mm)
  • iPaperSize_B5: B5 paper (182 x 257 mm)
  • iPaperSize_FanfoldUS: Fanfold paper (14.875 x 11 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope9: Envelope #9 (3.875 x 8.875 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope10: Envelope #10 (4.125 x 9.5 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope11: Envelope #11 (4.5 x 10.375 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope12: Envelope #12 (4.5 x 4.5 x 11 inches)
  • iPaperSize_Envelope14: Envelope #14 (5 x 11.5 inches)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeB4: B4 envelope (250 x 353 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeB5: B5 envelope (176 x 250 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeB6: B6 envelope (176 x 125 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC3: C3 envelope (324 x 458 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC4: C4 envelope (229 x 324 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC5: C5 envelope (162 x 229 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC6: C6 envelope (114 x 162 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeC65: C65 envelope (114 x 229 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeDL: DL envelope (110 x 220 mm)
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeItaly: 229 x 324 mm envelope
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopeMonarch: 3.875 x 7.5 inch envelope
  • iPaperSize_EnvelopePerso: 3.625 x 6.5 inch envelope
  • iPaperSize_Executive: 7.5 x 10.5 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Folio: 8.5 x 13 inch paper
  • iPaperSize__Ledger: 17 x 11 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Legal: 8.5 x 14 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_LetterSmall: 8.5 x 11 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Letter: 8.5 x 11 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Note: 8.5 x 11 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Quarto: 215 x 275 mm paper
  • iPaperSize_Statement: 5.5 x 8.5 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_Tabloid: 11 x 17 inch paper
  • iPaperSize_CSheet: C paper size
  • iPaperSize_DSheet: D paper size
  • iPaperSize_ESheet: E paper size
iPaperSourceUsed to modify the paper source of the printer. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> can take one of the following constants for value:
  • iPaperSource_Auto: Automatic feeder
  • iPaperSource_Lower: Bottom feeder
  • iPaperSource_Cassette: Cassette feeding unit
  • iPaperSource_Envelope: Envelope
  • iPaperSource_EnvelopeManual: Manual envelope feed
  • iPaperSource_LargeCapacity: High-capacity paper feeder
  • iPaperSource_LargeFormat: Large format paper feeder
  • iPaperSource_Upper: Top feeder
  • iPaperSource_Manual: Manual paper feed
  • iPaperSource_Middle: Middle feeder
  • iPaperSource_SmallFormat: Small format paper feeder
  • iPaperSource_Tractor: Tractor paper feed
  • iPaperSource_OnlyOne: Single sheet feed
iPaperWidthAllows you to modify the width of paper used (in tenth of millimeter). In this case, <Parameter value> is an integer.
iPrinterDefaultChanges the default printer settings. In this case, <Parameter Value> is a boolean:
  • True to change the default printer settings.
  • False to keep the default printer settings.
iPrinterTypeAllows you to modify the printer used. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> corresponds to one of the printer types recognized by WINDEV Mobile. For more details, see Types of printers recognized by WINDEV Mobile.
iQualityUsed to modify the parameters for print quality. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> can take one of the following constants for value:
  • iQuality_Low: Low quality
  • iQuality_Draft: Draft mode
  • iQuality_High: High quality
  • iQuality_Medium: Medium quality
iRTFWithImagesAndTablesUsed to modify the management mode of images and tables in the RTF controls found in the reports. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> is a boolean:
  • True to use the optimized mode for managing the images and tables in the RTF controls found in the reports.
  • False otherwise.
iScaleAllows you to modify the percentage of scale used during the print. In this case, <Parameter value> corresponds to an integer.
iTrueTypeAllows you to define the print settings for TrueType fonts. If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> can take one of the following constants for value:
  • iTrueType_Bitmap: TrueType font as bitmap
  • iTrueType_Download: Downloaded TrueType font
  • iTrueType_Subdev: Substitute device font.
iYResolutionUsed to modify the vertical resolution (in dots per inch). If this parameter is used, <Parameter value> is an integer.
<Parameter value>: Type of the parameter to modify (constant, integer, boolean, character string)
Value of parameter to modify. This value depends on the parameter to modify.
Reports and Queries

Modifying the print settings (former syntax kept for backward compatibility) Hide the details

<Result> = iParameter(<Parameter>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the new parameters have been applied,
  • False otherwise.
<Parameter>: Character string
Used to define the new parameter. The following format is used: <Parameter> = <Value>. For example, "DEFAULT=YES". The table below presents the different options that can be configured.
ANIMATIONCLICKABLECONTROL=NOUsed to disable the star that appears on the clickable controls of a report.
ArialSubstitution=NoWhen printing in PDF format, the size of generated PDF file is optimized by replacing the "Arial" font by the Helvetica font. If the Helvetica font is not installed on the computer or if you do not want this substitution to be performed, all you have to do is use iParameter("ArialSubstitution=No").
COLLATE = <Yes/No>When printing several copies, if "COLLATE =YES", pages will be collated (print pages 1, 2, 3 etc. of the first set, then pages 1, 2, 3, etc. of the second set, etc.)
When printing several copies, if "COLLATE=NO", pages will not be collated (print first pages, then second pages, etc.). Warning: This option uses a high amount of memory.
COLOR = MONOMonochrome
COPIES = <Value>Integer indicating the number of copies
DEFAULT = <YesNo>If "DEFAULT = YES", the parameters are saved and they become the default parameters
If "DEFAULT = NO", the parameters are not saved
DUPLEX = HORIZONTALHorizontal duplex
DUPLEX = SIMPLEXPrint on a single side
DUPLEX = VERTICALVertical duplex
FREEZEThe printer selected by iConfigure will not be modified until the next call to iConfigure or iReset, or until the end of program execution
MEDIATYPE = GLOSSYPAPERPrint on a glossy paper.
MEDIATYPE = PLAINPAPERPrint on a plain paper.
MEDIATYPE = TRANSPARENTFILMPrint on a transparent film.
MODE55=<YES/NO>Restores the mode used in WINDEV 5.5: Line breaks are inserted according the size of the largest font used in the current line (by default, line breaks follow the size of the last font used in the current line).
ORIENTATION = LANDSCAPEPrint in landscape mode. This parameter is ignored when printing in PCL format.
ORIENTATION = PORTRAITPrint in portrait mode
OVERALLPERSISTENCE=YESUsed to keep the behavior of version 15:
  • Until version 15, the zoom value and the position of the report viewer (preview) were saved and restored by application.
  • From version 16, the zoom value and the position of the report viewer (preview) are saved by report.
PAGEHEIGHT = <Value>Height of page in 10th of millimeter
PAGEWIDTH = <Value>Width of page in 10th of millimeter
PAPERSIZE = 10X1410 x 14 inch paper
PAPERSIZE = 11X1711 x 17 inch paper
PAPERSIZE = A3A3 paper (297 x 420 mm)
PAPERSIZE = A4A4 paper (210 x 297 mm)
PAPERSIZE = A5A5 (148 x 20 mm)
PAPERSIZE = B4B4 paper (250 x 354 mm)
PAPERSIZE = B5B5 paper (182 x 257 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPE9Envelope #9 (3.875 x 8.875 inches)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPE10Envelope #10 (4.125 x 9.5 inches)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPE11Envelope #11 (4.5 x 10.375 inches)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPE12Envelope #12 (4.5 x 4.5 x 11 inches)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPE14Envelope #14 (5 x 11.5 inches)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEB4B4 envelope (250 x 353 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEB5B5 envelope (176 x 250 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEB6B6 envelope (176 x 125 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEC3C3 envelope (324 x 458 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEC4C4 envelope (229 x 324 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEC5C5 envelope (162 x 229 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEC6C6 envelope (114 x 162 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEC65C65 envelope (114 x 229 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEDLDL envelope (110 x 220 mm)
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEITALYEnvelope 110 x 230 mm
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEMONARCHEnvelope 3.875 x 7.5 inches
PAPERSIZE = ENVELOPEPERSOEnvelope 3.625 x 6.5 inches
PAPERSIZE = EXECUTIVEExecutive paper (7.5 x 10.5 inches)
PAPERSIZE = FANFOLDGERMANLGLFanfold paper (8.5 x 13 inches)
PAPERSIZE = FANFOLDGERMANSTDFanfold paper (8.5 x 12 inches)
PAPERSIZE = FANFOLDUSFanfold paper (14.875 x 11 inches)
PAPERSIZE = FOLIOFolio paper (8.5 x 13 inches)
PAPERSIZE = LEDGERLedger paper (17 x 11 inches)
PAPERSIZE = LEGALLegal paper (8.5 x 14 inches)
PAPERSIZE = NOTENote paper (8.5 x 11 inches)
PAPERSIZE = QUARTOQuarto paper (215 x 275 mm)
PAPERSIZE = SMALLA4Small A4 paper (210 x 297 mm)
PAPERSIZE = STATEMENTStatement paper (5.5 x 8.5 inches)
PAPERSIZE = USERDEFINEDSize expressed in height and width
PAPERSIZE=LETTERLetter paper (8.5 x 11 inches)
PAPERSIZE=SMALLLETTERSmall letter paper (8.5 x 11 inches)
PAPERSIZE=TABLOIDTabloid paper (11 x 17 inches)
PAPERSOURCE = AUTOAutomatic sheet feed
PAPERSOURCE = LARGEFORMATLarge format paper feed
PAPERSOURCE = LOWERLower tray paper feed
PAPERSOURCE = MIDDLEMiddle tray paper feed
PAPERSOURCE = SMALLFORMATSmall format paper feed
PAPERSOURCE = TRACTORTractor paper feed
PAPERSOURCE = UPPERUpper tray paper feed
QUALITY = DRAFTDraft quality
QUALITY = HIGHHigh quality
QUALITY = LOWLow quality
QUALITY = MEDIUMMedium quality
RESOLUTIONY = <Value>Vertical resolution (in dots per inch)
RTFJustification=YesAllows you to keep the justification when printing an RTF area with iPrintAreaRTF.
RTFWINDOWS=NOUsed to properly manage the tables and images in the RTF controls found in the reports.
  • If RTFWINDOWS=YES, the print options of tables and images in RTF controls within reports will be defined by Windows. In most cases, this print is not correct.
  • If RTFWINDOWS=NO, the print options of tables and images in RTF controls within reports will be defined by WINDEV or WEBDEV's print module. This print is optimized.
Note: It is recommended to use the following syntax:
iParameter(iRTFWithImagesAndTables, True)
SCALE = <Value>Percentage of the scale
SPOOLER = OPTIMIZEOptimizes the speed of print. In this case, the preview has a lower quality and the display may change when the zoom factor is modified.
TRUETYPE = BITMAPTrueType font in bitmap
TRUETYPE = DOWNLOADDownloaded TrueType font
TRUETYPE = SUBDEVTrueType font of device

Modifying print parameters using constants

If the printer does not support the requested settings, the returned value will be different from the one passed as parameter.
For example, to use the A3 format with a printer that does not support the A3 format:
// Passage en format de papier A3
IF iParameter(iPaperSize, iPaperSize_A3) = False THEN
	// échec du passage au format A3 
The value passed as parameter and the result of iParameter can correspond to a constant or to a value corresponding to a specific parameter of printer driver. For example:
ModeAlimentation is int
ModeAlimentation = iParameter(iPaperSource)
SWITCH ModeAlimentation
	CASE iPaperSource_Auto
		Info("Alimentation papier: mode automatique") 
	CASE iPaperSource_Lower
		Info("Alimentation papier: bac du bas")
	CASE iPaperSource_Cassette
		Info("Alimentation papier: bac à cassette") 
	CASE iPaperSource_Manual
		Info("Alimentation papier: manuelle") 
	CASE iPaperSource_Envelope
		Info("Alimentation papier: bac à enveloppe") 
	CASE iPaperSource_Middle
		Info("Alimentation papier: bac du milieu") 
	CASE iPaperSource_EnvelopeManual
		Info("Alimentation papier: enveloppe manuelle") 
	CASE iPaperSource_OnlyOne
		Info("Alimentation papier: une seule feuille") 
	CASE iPaperSource_SmallFormat
		Info("Alimentation papier: petit format") 
	CASE iPaperSource_LargeCapacity
		Info("Alimentation papier: grande capacité") 
	CASE iPaperSource_Tractor
		Info("Alimentation papier: mode tracteur")
	CASE iPaperSource_LargeFormat
		Info("Alimentation papier: grand format") 
	CASE iPaperSource_Upper
		Info("Alimentation papier est le bac haut") 
		// Récupération d'une valeur spécifique du driver:
		// Un bac d'alimentation papier non standard
		Info(StringBuild("Alimentation papier: %1. " + ...
			"Correspond à un paramètre spécifique " + ...
			"du driver d'impression.", ModeAlimentation)) 
Reports and Queries

Reinitializing the print module

If iParameter returns True, the print module is reinitialized. Therefore, iParameter must be used before any other print function. Otherwise, all operations previously performed by the print functions will be ignored.
If a print is in progress, iParameter closes this print. Therefore, iParameter must be called before the start of print.
Reports and Queries

Number of copies

The number of copies to print is reset to 1 after each print. To avoid this, use the following line of code before the next print:
iParameter(iCopies, 2)
Note: If the user specifies a number of copies (using the iParameter or iParameterReport functions) before printing the report, this number of copies will take precedence over the number of copies specified with the NbCopy property.
Reports and Queries

Custom paper format

To set custom paper sizes with iParameter (syntax using constants), simply use the iPaperHeight and iPaperWidth constants and specify the desired size.
// Spécifier un format de papier personnalisé
iParameter(iPaperHeight, 200)
iParameter(iPaperWidth, 300)


  • iParameter must not be called in the processes of a report created with the report editor.
  • All the parameters supported by this function are not necessarily supported by all the printers.
  • If iParameter is used with a network printer (especially to modify the default parameters of the printer), make sure the computer that performs this operation has "Printer management" rights. Otherwise, the modification will not be performed.
  • It is not possible to change to another paper tray during the print job. In this case, you must perform several prints, each one using a different paper tray.
Reports and Queries

iConfigure and iParameter

Related Examples:
WD Printout Parameters Sample components (WINDEV): WD Printout Parameters
[ + ] This example is used to illustrate the iParameter function.
This function is used to retrieve the different settings defined for a given printer.

The default printer settings can be modified in Windows directly.
Caution, these settings will be used in all your applications.

Managing the network printers:
To modify the default settings of a printer network, make sure that you have the rights for "Managing printers". Otherwise, the modifications made will be ignored.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300prn.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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