HInfoLock (Function) In french: HInfoBlocage
Available only with this kind of connection
Returns information about the lock set on a data file, on one or all the records in a data file. LockList is string // Lists all the locks of the Customer data file LockList = HInfoLock(Customer) // Lists all the locks set on the data files of CSConnection LockList = HInfoLock(CSConnection) // Lists all the locks set on the Customer.fic data file of CSConnection LockList = HInfoLock(CSConnection, ".\customer.fic")
Information about the locks set on a data file identified by its name Hide the details
<Result> = HInfoLock(<Data file> [, <Record number>])
<Result>: Character string - Empty string ("") if there is no block or if the manipulated data file is not an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
- Information about the lock. This information is separated by TAB characters and it has the following format:
<Physical name of the data file relative to the database> + TAB + <Record number> + TAB + <User> + TAB + <Name of client computer> + TAB + <IP address of client computer> + TAB + <Name of client application> + TAB + <Type of lock> + TAB + <Date of lock implementation> + TAB + <Number of seconds since start of lock> + CR - <Record number> is set to -1 if the lock was set on the data file.
- The <Type of lock> parameter can correspond to:
- W: Lock in write mode.
- RW: Read/Write blockage.
- W-T: Transaction lock in write mode.
- RW-T: Read/write lock performed by a transaction.
- The <Date de pose du blocage> parameter is of the form: AAAAMMJJHHmmSS. This date is in UTC format (Universal Time Coordinated).
<Data file>: Character string Name of the data file used. If this parameter is an empty string (""), HInfoLock manipulates the last data file used by the last HFSQL function (function starting with "H"). <Record number>: Optional integer Number of the record for which the lock information is requested. If this parameter is not specified, HInfoLock lists all the locks of the data file.
Information about the locks set on a data file identified by its connection Hide the details
<Result> = HInfoLock(<Connection> [, <Data file path>] [, <Record number>])
<Result>: Character string Information about the lock. This information is separated by TAB characters and it has the following format:
<Physical name of file relative to the database> + TAB + <Record number> + TAB + <User> + TAB + <Name of client computer> + TAB + <IP address of client computer> + TAB + <Name of client application> + TAB + <Type of lock> + TAB + <Start date of lock> + TAB + <Nb of seconds since start of lock> + CR - <Record number> is set to -1 if the lock was set on the data file.
- The <Type of lock> parameter can correspond to:
- W: Lock in write mode.
- W-T: Transaction lock in write mode.
- RW: Read/Write blockage.
- RW-T: Read/write lock performed by a transaction.
- The <Date de pose du blocage> parameter is of the form: AAAAMMJJHHmmSS. This date is in UTC format (Universal Time Coordinated).
<Connection>: Character string or Connection variable Connection for which the lock information is requested. This connection corresponds to: If this parameter is not a connection name, HInfoLock considers that it corresponds to the name of a data file. <Data file path>: Optional character string Full path of the data file, relative to the database defined by <Connection>. If the <Connection> parameter corresponds to the logical name of a data file, it is ignored. If this parameter is not specified, all the locks set on all the data files of the database are returned. <Record number>: Optional integer Number of the record for which the lock information is requested. If this parameter is not specified, HInfoLock lists all the locks of the data file.
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