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Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / HFSQL functions
  • Characteristics of created data file
  • Additional files created
  • Managing passwords
  • Managing fatal errors when creating a data file
  • Managing non-Latin character sets
  • Replication: Range of Identifiers
  • Priority for defining the location of log files
  • Creating or opening an existing table
  • Managing indexes
  • Creating the data file from its description
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Performs the following operations:
  • If the data file does not exist, creates an empty data file (".FIC" extension) with the index file and the memo file if necessary.
    The function is equivalent to HCreation.
  • If the data file exists, opens the data file.
    In this case, the function is equivalent to HOpen.
    To optimize the call to HCreationIfNotFound, the data file can be opened only when accessed for the first time (using the hDelayedOpening constant).
Note: The automatic creation of non-existing data files can be enabled in the project description ("Files" tab of the project description, "Automatically create the data files when they are opened"). HCreationIfNotFound is automatically used if the data file does not exist when it is handled for the first time.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeHFSQL Classic If the data file is logged, you can specify the location of the log files.
HFSQL Client/Server If integrity constraints have been defined and if they are supported, the links are updated by the server when creating the data file.
// Create all the data files described in the analysis 
// with the "PSW" password
HCreationIfNotFound("*", "PSW")
// Create the Orders data file (described in the analysis)
<Result> = HCreationIfNotFound([<Data file> [, <Password> [, <Path of the JNL file> [, <Path of the JournalOperation file>]]] [, <Option>]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the data file was created or opened,
  • False if a problem occurs. HError is used to identify the error. If a fatal error occurs, a specific process is required to continue the program and to check whether the data file was created (see the Notes).
<Data file>: Optional character string
Name of data file to use.
  • If this name is not specified, HCreationIfNotFound will use the last data file used by the last HFSQL function (function starting with "H").
  • If this parameter is set to "*", all the data files in the current analysis will be created or opened. If a password is specified, this password is used for all the data files.
    Projects with multiple analyses: All data files for all analyses will be created or opened.
  • This parameter can also correspond to the name of a group of files (or custom-folder) defined in the analysis (not available in Android and Android widget). If a password is specified, this password is used for all the data files of the group.
Warning: this parameter cannot correspond to a File description type variable.
iPhone/iPad The maximum number of files that can be simultaneously opened by an iPhone/iPad application cannot exceed 256. A maximum of 80 HFSQL data files can be opened simultaneously (one ".fic" file, one ".ndx" file, one ".mmo" file per HFSQL data file).
<Password>: Optional character string or secret string
  • Password associated with the data file.
  • Empty string ("") if no password is used.
New in version 2025
Secret strings: If you use the secret string vault, the type of secret string used for this parameter must be "Ansi or Unicode string".
To learn more about secret strings and how to use the vault, see Secret string vault.
<Path of the JNL file>: Optional character string
Access path to the JNL file associated with the logged data file. This parameter is only taken into account if the data file is logged. In this case, <File name>JNL.fic will be created at the specified location.
HFSQL Client/Server This parameter must not be specified. In HFSQL Client/Server, the path of JNL file is defined and it cannot be modified.
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadPHP This parameter is ignored.
Java Access through JDBC: This parameter is ignored.
<Path of the JournalOperation file>: Optional character string
Access path to the JournalOperation file and to the JournalIdentification file associated with the logged data file. The JournalOperation file contains all the operations performed on the logged data file. This parameter is only taken into account if the data file is logged.
HFSQL Client/Server This parameter must not be specified. In HFSQL Client/Server, the path of operation file is defined and it cannot be modified.
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadPHP This parameter is ignored.
Java Access through JDBC: This parameter is ignored.
<Option>: Optional constant
Optimize the opening of existing data files.
hChangeCharsetThe character set defined by ChangeCharset will be taken into account in the new data file. Sorts, searches or other types of operations performed on string keys (strings, characters, date and time) will use the new character set.
hDelayedOpeningIf the data file already exists, it will be opened during the first access to the data file. If the data file does not exist, it is created and opened.
HFSQL Classic This constant is only available for HFSQL Classic.
hNoLinkIntegrity management: Links are not updated on the server (creation, modification, deletion as appropriate).
Reminder: By default, when a data file is created, links are updated on the server..
HFSQL Client/Server This constant is only available for HFSQL Client/Server.

PHP This parameter is ignored.
Java Access through JDBC: This parameter is ignored.
AndroidAndroid Widget This parameter is ignored.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeiPhone/iPadJavaAjaxHFSQL ClassicHFSQL Client/ServerHyper File 5.5OLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Characteristics of created data file

The characteristics of created data file are as follows:
  • Name of the data file:
    Physical name defined during the file description in the data model editor. This name can be modified by HChangeName before creating the data file.
  • Directory of data file:
    Directory defined during the file description in the data model editor. This directory can be changed with HChangeDir and HSubstDir before creating the data file.
    Note If UAC is active (Windows Vista and above), data are localized in a specific Windows directory rather than in the application directory. In this case, you must create the application data directory (you can get the path with fDataDirUser).
  • The order of items created in the physical file is the physical order of items created in the analysis (and not the logical order).
  • Content of the data file:
    The created data file is empty, which does not mean that its size is null (the file contains a header describing its structure).
Remark: If the data file already existed (same name, same directory), this data file is opened.. If the hDelayedOpening constant is specified, the data file will only be opened the first time it is accessed (optimizes the speed of HCreationIfNotFound).
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeiPhone/iPadAjaxHFSQL ClassicHFSQL Client/ServerHyper File 5.5OLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Additional files created

When creating a data file, the following files can be created in addition to the data file:
  • An index file (".NDX" extension) if one or more keys have been defined in the file description.
  • A memo file (".MMO" extension) if one or more memo items have been defined in the file description.
  • A log file (".JNL" extension). This file is created only if the corresponding option was selected during the file description (see next paragraph).
    AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadPHP This file is not created.
  • A <ProjectName>.REP file. This file contains the list of data files handled by the application. This file is created (or filled) if the management of .REP is enabled (HSetREP). If the hDelayedOpening constant is specified, the .REP file will be updated during the automatic file opening performed during the first access to the data file. For more details, see .REP file.
    iPhone/iPad This file is not created.

Managing passwords

The password can be defined:
  • when the data file is created or opened by HCreationIfNotFound.
  • before the data file is created by HPass.Caution: Password is independent of data encryption. The data encryption must be configured during the file description in the data model editor ("Details" tab).
PHPNative Connectors (Native Accesses) The password is not associated with a data file but with a database. This password must be specified during the connection (HConnect).

Managing fatal errors when creating a data file

If a fatal error occurs when creating a data file, it may be interesting to continue the program while checking whether the data file was created or not. To do so, we recommend that you perform the following exception process:
	Error("HFSQL error: " + HError())
	Trace("The file is created")
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeiPhone/iPadAjaxHFSQL ClassicHFSQL Client/ServerHyper File 5.5OLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Managing non-Latin character sets

If the hChangeCharset constant is specified, the character set used in the data file will be the one specified by ChangeCharset. Sorts, searches, etc. on string keys (strings, characters, date and time) will be performed according to this character set.
The character set used can be modified by HIndex.
Note: the size of string fields specified in the analysis is in bytes, not characters.. Depending on the character set used, you may have to increase the item size (if the characters used are coded on 2 bytes for example).
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeAjaxHFSQL ClassicHFSQL Client/ServerHyper File 5.5

Replication: Range of Identifiers

The automatic identifiers for the files of subscriber replicas are using a range of identifiers that differs from the one used by the file of master replica and by the other files of subscriber replicas.
This range of automatic identifiers is written in the header of each data file (".FIC" extension).
This range is initialized:
For more details, see the consequences of implementing the replication.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeAjaxHFSQL ClassicHyper File 5.5

Priority for defining the location of log files

The location of log files is defined according to the following priority order:
  1. Location specified when creating the logged data file (HCreationIfNotFound).
  2. Location specified by HChangeLogDir.
  3. Location specified in the analysis.
  4. Location of the logged data file.
If another application uses HDeclareExternal on a logged data file, the changes made by this application are saved in the log files specified in the header of the logged HFSQL data file.
HFSQL Client/Server The location of Log files is fixed and it cannot be modified. For more details, see Log files in Client/Server mode.

Creating or opening an existing table

If the table already exists, the table is opened.
If the table does not already exist, the table is created. When creating a table, WINDEV and WEBDEV try to create the items in the OLE DB type corresponding to the HFSQL type. If this type is not supported, the HFSQL engine successively tries all the "compatible" OLEDB types until it finds a type that is supported by the OLEDB database.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codePHPNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Managing indexes

HCreationIfNotFound does not return any error messages if an index cannot be added. The table is created without the index that is causing the problem. In this case, duplicates may be found in an item defined as unique key by WINDEV or WEBDEV if the external database does not support the unique keys.

Creating the data file from its description

The data file can be directly created from its description in the data model editor. To do so, select "Create the data file" in the context menu of the data file (in the analysis graph) and select the directory in which the data file must be created.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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iniresult is string = INIRead("APP","VERSAO","",fDataDir() + ["\"] +"CONFIG.INI")

IF (Num = 1 AND iniresult = "") OR (Num = 1 AND iniresult = 0) THEN

Info("UMA VEZ")

INIWrite("APP","VERSAO","2",fDataDir() + ["\"] +"CONFIG.INI")


fDelete(fDataDir() + ["\"] +"t000_config.fic")
fDelete(fDataDir() + ["\"] +"t000_config.ndx")
fDelete(fDataDir() + ["\"] +"t000_config.mmo")


HModifyStructure("*",hmsBackgroundTask) // 1.º CODE ORDER

HCreationIfNotFound("*","app488640") // 2.º CODE ORDER
06 Oct. 2017

Last update: 12/06/2024

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