- The same trigger is applied to several files or to several WLanguage functions
- Compatibility with the earlier versions
HListTrigger (Function) In french: HListeTrigger Returns the list of triggers applied to one or more HFSQL data files. Reminder A trigger is a WLanguage procedure called automatically each time one or more HFSQL functions are executed. For more details, see Trigger management
ListTriggers is string
ListTriggers = HListTrigger("Customer,Product")
ListAdd(COMBO_COMBO1, ListTriggers)
<Result> = HListTrigger([<Name of data file(s)>])
<Result>: Character string List of triggers applied to the specified data files. The different triggers are separated by CR characters (Carriage Return). The list has the following format:
<Data file> + TAB + <WLanguage procedure> + TAB + <HFSQL function> + TAB + <Type of trigger> + TAB + <Trigger status> + CR +... | | <Data file> | Name of the data file to which the trigger applies. | <HFSQL function> | HFSQL function onto which the trigger applied. | <Trigger status> | | <Type of trigger> | - "A" for a "BEFORE" trigger (the procedure associated with the trigger is run before the HFSQL function of trigger).
- "P" for an "AFTER" trigger (the procedure associated with the trigger is run after the HFSQL function of trigger).
| <WLanguage procedure> | Name of the WLanguage procedure called by the trigger. |
<Name of data file(s)>: Optional character string Name of one or more data files. If this parameter is not specified, the triggers of all the data files found in the analysis associated with the current project will be listed. To specify several names, the names of the data files must be separated by a comma (","). Remarks Compatibility with the earlier versions The following syntax is kept for backward compatibility: <Result> = HListTrigger([<File name> [,<Full WDD name>]])
The <Full WDD name> parameter is kept for backward compatibility. This parameter is ignored. Business / UI classification: Business Logic
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